Hi, Everybody. There’s so much in this newsletter that I had to procrastinate a whole extra day to fit it all in!
This Sunday, January 19, 2025 (I got the year right!), is the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday. Sunday School and Confirmation are starting up again at 10:45 am.
Pamela Metcalf will be putting in an order for physical Scrip cards this Sunday evening, so please contact her or see her on Sunday if you want to get gift cards made of genuine plastic while helping Holy Trinity’s bottom line.
Rev. Lisa Kipp of Lutheran World Relief will be with us next Friday, Jan. 24th at 11:00 a.m. in the HTLC Activity Room to share stories about the lives touched and the hands extended around the world through the work of LWR. Rev. Kipp asked to come in part to acknowledge the $100,000 Legacy Plan gift to LWR from Holy Redeemer and in recognition of Holy Trinity’s Cause of the Month support.
Next Sunday, January 26, is RIC Sunday. This is when many Reconciling in Christ churches, like Holy Trinity, celebrate their official welcome to the LGBTQIA+ community. You are encouraged to bring colorful treats (too much color is not enough!), to be served on the patio after the service.
A reminder that a Celebration of Life for Neal Bierbaum, followed by a lunch, will be held on Saturday, February 1st at 11 am here at Holy Trinity. Hospitality is providing the luncheon food and is asking that people bring hand-held individual desserts like cookies, brownies, and cupcakes. You may view Neal’s obituary at https://fremontchapeloftheroses.com/obituaries/neal-r-bierbaum/
A message from our intrepid Council President Ann Harren about a Giving Survey:
“Happy 2025! We want to celebrate the ways that our church community is bringing Christ’s love into the world. We also want to learn from each other what worthy causes are available to support. Please help us to get an estimate of our impact in 2024 by filling out this survey at your earliest convenience: https://forms.gle/iT9vattja2kfGG429. It should be less cumbersome than last year’s survey while still providing the same information. Please note that this survey is anonymous, and we’d appreciate it if you reply only once for your household. If you could please help to complete this in the next week or two, it would be much appreciated. I hope to summarize the results and share them with you at the annual meeting. Thanks! ~Ann Harren, HTLC Council President”
(sorry, it’s anonymous – you can’t brag about your generosity!)
Adult Forum will be returning on February 2, 16, and March 2. It will be in the Activity Room and go from 10:45am -11:30am. Dean Sieglaff will be presenting and it is entitled “Test of Faith.” More details to come.
February 9 is Super Bowl Sunday (that’s football, right?), and Holy Trinity, along with many other organizations, is participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring. This is a national annual effort to collect food and money for local food pantries. We will be collecting non-perishable food items, and people will be at the doors holding soup pots to gather monetary donations. After worship service, we will have a Soup Potluck in Holland Hall. Sign up at the Media Table if you plan to attend or bring a soup. Please join us in helping “tackle” hunger!
Holy Trinity’s Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on February 23, 2024, following the 9:30 am worship service. Those of you who have reports for the Annual report, you may get them to me any time now… (Randy from Hospitality got his in first. He wins! [the bragging rights – nothing else])
Please consider becoming an Associate Member or a full Voting Member so you can have your say at the Annual Meeting. Or just because you like us. Please contact Pastor Tim for details.
Our church runs on volunteers, and there are so many opportunities to get more involved. We would like to continue the fun HRLC tradition of holding a Mardi Gras celebration, but we need someone who would be willing to take charge of it. If coordinating a Mardi Gras event sounds right up your Bourbon Street, please see Pastor Tim! We could also use people who would be willing to use their artistic gifts to decorate the church for special services and events and take charge of bulletin board displays (not necessarily all the same person). Please see Pastor Tim if you’re interested.
Here are some more ways you can help out:
- Be a worship helper (altar guild, lay liturgist, acolyte, reader, communion assistant) – see Carmen Blair
- Be an Usher – see Michael Di Paola
- Join Choir, Bell Choir, or Praise Band – see Dot Westerhoff
- Bake communion bread – see Randy Kuhlmann
- Bring treats for after church (donuts or other) – sign up at the Media Table or just bring them
- Join a committee (like Worship or Hospitality) – check the mailboxes to see who’s in charge of what
- Present an Adult Forum – see Pastor Tim
- Help with Sunday School – see Marta Wicke
- Run for Church Council
Remember, if there’s something you’d enjoy doing or would like to see the church doing, YOU are the perfect person to make that happen! This is your official invitation – don’t wait to be asked!
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator