HTLC News Email, January 22, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, January 24, is the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany.  Everything is COVID-normal with the online worship service(available to watch starting each Sunday morning), Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 a.m., Zoom Communion at 9:45, and Zoom Sunday SchoolConfirmation Class, and Adult Forum at 10 a.m. (more on Adult Forum in the next paragraph).  As usual, the Zoom information will be sent out in Sunday’s email blast.  To get the information for Sunday School, please reach out to Marta Wicke.

A small group of Council members and congregants has been meeting monthly to discuss the book “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo.  They are planning to facilitate watch party discussion groups during Adult Forum this year, using TED talks and video clips, to help us educate ourselves about inequality, racism, and the application of Jesus’ teachings for positive change in these areas.  The first watch party is this Sunday (1/24) during Adult Forum, with the topic “How not to take things personally.”  (I resent the implication that I take things personally!)  They invite everyone to come listen and participate with an open mind and heart. This particular video is not specific to race and may help us all navigate other challenges in our lives (like the upcoming Annual Meeting!).  If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to Marta Wicke.

Speaking of the upcoming Annual Meeting (Feb. 21, 2021), for our first Virtual Annual Meeting (and let’s hope it’s our last!), the Council will be trying some new procedures to facilitate the meeting.  We will continue to follow the Constitution for required items to vote on (Minutes, Budget, Council members), but since it is virtual, we wanted to share what to expect:

  • Virtual Annual Meeting will be conducted via Zoom, with call-in capability (that means you can participate by calling in on your phone (no computer), although we encourage anyone who can to connect through their computers).  If you have any questions about how to use this program, please reach out to Marta.
  • The meeting will be recorded, so we can confirm voting and minutes.  We encourage using video, but it is not required.
  • Roll call is required to confirm quorum;  Using your first and last name in the participants log will help speed that up.
  • Voting will not be anonymous, so that all voting members in households can participate.  We will use the chat function and verbal roll call.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to Marta.  She will also be available at Adult Forum (10am) the two weeks before the Annual Meeting. 

Next Sunday, the last Sunday in January, is RIC (Reconciling in Christ) Sunday.  That’s when we, along with other churches, celebrate our welcome to LGBTQIA+ persons.  Unfortunately, you’ll have to bake your own rainbow-colored treats this year.

The following Sunday, February 7, will be Super Bowl Sunday, and therefore also Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday.  That’s when many churches as well as other groups collect non-perishable food and money for local food charities (Where can I get some of that non-perishable money? Mine keeps disappearing!).  Terri MacFarlane has prepared a flyer with ways we can safely participate this year.  Unfortunately, no Soup Potluck due to COVID (I’m wasting away with the lack of food-centric church events!).

– Keith, your friendly (and hungry) Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

Upcoming Events:
Jan. 31 – RIC Sunday
Feb. 7 – Souper Bowl of Caring
Feb. 14 – Transfiguration Sunday
Feb. 17 – Ash Wednesday
Feb. 21 – Virtual Annual Congregational Meeting

For complaints about this email, please reach out to Marta, because apparently she’s taking all questions and comments this week (I’m kidding, of course – you couldn’t possibly have any complaints about my perfect emails!).

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