HTLC News Email, January 6, 2026

Hi, Everybody:

Today, January 6, is Epiphany (for the next 30 minutes)!  That means Christmas is officially over and you may take down your decorations and nag your neighbors to take down theirs.  (I’m keeping mine up because I’m a rebel – a lazy rebel)

This Sunday, January 8, will be Epiphany Sunday when we celebrate the magi following the star to find Jesus.  It’s also Scrip Sunday.  There will be a Church Council Meeting at 12 pm.  Contact Marta Wicke for Zoom information if you’d like to attend.  There is no Sunday School or Confirmation Class this Sunday – they should start up again on January 22.

Tuesday Bible Study starts up again this week.  They’re a fun group of people that meet in the Activity Room at 10 am each Tuesday for devotions, fellowship, laughter, and even some Bible studying.  Why don’t you join them?

You’re invited to the next Jesus and Justice Collective event on January 15 from 2 pm to 3:45 pm in the Bridges Cafe at Bridges Community Church.  They’ll be taking a look at racial trauma, its impact, and how we might respond as the family of Christ.  Please sign-up HERE.  Delicious snacks included!  Reach out to them at with any questions or for more information.

Do you like to sing?  Play an instrument?  Then why don’t you join Choir or Praise Band?  Make use of your God-given gifts and make us all sound better!  Choir meets Wednesdays at 7 pm – just show up, no audition.  Praise Band is currently playing one Sunday a month and rehearsing the Wednesday before at 8 pm.  Talk to Terri MacFarlane (she’s the drummer) about joining Praise Band and talk to me (Keith Hillesland) about Choir.  What a fun way to participate in our worship and get to know people!

Some dates to keep in mind:
January 29:  RIC Sunday
February 12:  Souper Bowl of Caring
February 26:  Annual Meeting

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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