HTLC News Email, July 8, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

Pastor Tim has tested negative for COVID, is feeling better, and should be back this Sunday (there have been sightings at church!).  We are grateful for his recovery, and hope this completes his collection of COVID variants (you can take collecting too far…)

This Sunday, July 10, is the 5th Sunday after Pentecost and Scrip Sunday.  The Council Meeting that normally is on the second Sunday has been moved to next week, July 17, at 11:30 am.  Contact Marta Wicke for Zoom details.

Only one week until the Spaghetti Feed!  I’m sure by now you’ve got the gist:  July 16, 4 pm to 7:30 pm. For details, please  click here to see our flyer.  I assume Erik Holland will be around Sunday for reservations and questions once again.  This year, instead of buying advance tickets, just let Erik or me know if you are planning on coming and how many are in your party, so we can get an idea of how many to expect.  You can pay at the door (or on your phone – Vanco mobile is your friend!).

And, of course, we will need plenty of help for the Spaghetti Feed.  We still have shifts open for cashiers and food servers (the beverage server positions are already snapped up – imagine that!).  We still need two cashiers for the 5:30 to 7:00 shift and one for the 7:00 to 8:15 shift.  So far, only three people total have signed up to be food servers, and that’s how many we’d like to have on EACH SHIFT!  The shifts are only 45 minutes long, so time commitment is minimal – you’ll still have plenty of time for enjoying the festivities.  Look for the sign-up sheets this Sunday, or email me and I’ll write you down.

Also, please consider making Raffle and Silent Auction donations for the event.  You can start dropping these off this Sunday and during office hours this week, M-F, 10-2 (I’ll try extra hard to be punctual this week).  Fancy schmancy items are great for the silent auction, gift cards (especially scrip) are neat for the raffle board, or let your imagination run wild on themed raffle baskets (the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe, a stuffed raven, a chocolate heart, and a bottle of amontillado?  Fabulous!).

Hospitality wants you!  Interested in joining the Hospitality team? This is the group that plans and executes the food and drinks for our events (like the Spaghetti Feed and Nacho Sundays!). They could use your skills in planning, cooking, setting up, cleaning up, and all the other things that go into making our food-related events run smoothly. Contact Randy Kuhlmann for further information (please don’t suggest that next year we celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day with a lutefisk feast).

And now, a completely un-spaghetti-feed-related paragraph:  AV Team training!  Soon, I will be going out of town for a few weeks and will need people to fill in on cameras and streaming services (yes, I do that, too) and some of my go-to people will also be out of town.  So, the more people we can get up to speed on this, the better!  Please email or phone the office (or actually talk to me in person) if you’d like to set up a time, and I can go over how to film and stream a service, along with the little I know about audio (Arnold can teach you more about that – ask him! [you’re welcome, Arnold!]).  Within the next two weeks would be great.  Really, I don’t bite (anymore).

– Keith

your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

(Ooh – another idea for the Poe basket: bobbleheads of just Larry and Curly.  Because, you know, . . . never Moe!)

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