HTLC News Email, June 11, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

It was sure nice to see so many of you last Sunday at our first outdoor service! (official count – 41) I think it went rather well, considering.  The somewhat difficult pre-packaged communion elements did not lead to any spilled blood or blown-away bodies, and the only fire we had was quickly under control (sounds like the next Fast and Furious movie!).  The only casualty was an altar cloth.  I’m sure there will be changes to the service over the summer as we gain experience (like more shade and battery-operated candles for safety!)

This Sunday, June 13, is the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost and Scrip Sunday.  We’ll have our In-person Outdoor Worship Service at 10 a.m. on the patio (with masks and distancing, of course).  You can bring your own chairs and communion elements (and fire extinguishers) or use those provided.  We will still have an Online Worship Service available, Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 a.m. and Zoom Communion at 9:30 a.m.  There is a Zoom Council Meeting at noon – please contact Marta Wicke if you’d like to attend.

For those of you who have registered for Vacation Bible School (starts Monday, June 14 at 6p.m.), there will be VBS Treasure Bags complete with student books, buddies, CDs, t-shirts, and imagination station kits available for pick-up on Saturday, June 12th between 9:30-11:30 and again on Sunday June 13th between 9:00-11:00.  Please contact Terri MacFarlane directly if you have questions or are not able to pick-up your packet(s).

Father’s Day is coming up (Sunday, June 20th), and Hospitality is planning a Father’s Day Lunch!  Like the Mother’s Day Brunch, it will be on a reserve-a-time-and-pick-it-up basis in five-minute increments from 11 to 11:30 am.  Please reach out to Randy Kuhlmann if you have special needs or if you have a huge group (non-fathers and those who identify as fathers are also welcome to order – we’re inclusive!).

It’s summer, which means it’s time for Favorite Hymn Sundays!  Yes, once again you’ll be able to sing that hymn or praise song you’ve been itching to sing since 2019 (that is why you’re itching – not a symptom of some new COVID variant, right?).  Space is limited, so please just pick your very favorite one or two.  There will be forms available on Sunday, or you can email the information to me.  Please include your name, the praise song or hymn title (or first line), the hymnal (if known: LBW/green, WOV/blue, ELW/cranberry), and hymn number (if known), and any verses you particularly like.  Like so:

  • Name:  Debbie Downer
  • Favorite Hymn:  Come, Ye Disconsolate
  • Hymn #:  ELW 607
  • Favorite Verses:  1 & 2 (the ones that mention the disconsolate, languishing, wounded, anguished, sorrowing, desolate, and straying – it’s so uplifting!)

Looking forward to seeing your hymn picks!

And finally, here is the list of Graduates whose names I received from our congregation.  Congratulations, and well done! (please hum Elgar’s “Pomp and Circumstance” while reading)


Rebecca Di Paola 
Rochester Institute of Technology (Rochester, New York) 
Bachelor of Science, with Honors 
major – Media Arts and Technology 
minor – Advertising and Public Relations 

Rachel Huff 
Livermore High School
High School Diploma

Justin Lee 
St. Mary High School, Stockton 
High School Diploma
Going to Purdue University.  

Riley Lee
Member of the Inaugural Class of Female Eagle Scouts 

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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