HTLC News Email, June 26, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, June 28, is the 4th Sunday after Pentecost and Vacation Bible School Sunday!  This year’s theme is Rocky Railway.”  All this week Terri and her helpers have been conducting VBS by Zoom.  Some said they were crazy to want to have a virtual VBS – that they had loco motives – but Terri and crew kept chugging along saying “I think I can, I think I can…”   (sorry, when it comes to puns I have a one-track mind – like a monorail!).You’ll see what the kids got up to this week on Sunday when they derail our normal Online Worship Service.

Also this Sunday, be sure to join us for Virtual Coffee Time at 10 am.  Neal and Rene Bierbaum will be updating us on their exciting work with Reneal during their 14 weeks in Tanzania – don’t miss it!

On Wednesday, July 1st at 7 pm there will be a Zoom Council Meeting.  The agenda and instructions for Zoom are attached to this email.  Among other things, they will be discussing the results of the recent survey of the congregation about in-person worship and activities in the age of COVID-19 (wasn’t that a song by the Fifth Dimension?).

Don’t forget to send me your Favorite Hymn for our Favorite Hymn Sundays starting in July and continuing to Labor Day .  We’re limiting it for now to one hymn per person, since we’ve only got two slots in each service.  There are ten weeks and I’ve only heard from five people so far, which means we’ll need 15 more people to send in their suggestions, or I’ll torture you with my own favorites and attribute them to you.  Here’s your chance to sing your favorites at the top of your lungs with no one around to judge you (not that we would anyway, lest we be judged!).

It’s LGBTQIA+ Pride weekend, so be sure to (virtually) celebrate the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Civil Rights Act of 1961 protects all genders and sexual orientations from work discrimination. Until this month’s decision, it was legal in more than half of the states to fire workers for being gay, bisexual or transgender.  I’d like to propose we mark the occasion by rearranging the letters in LGBTQIA+ to GLABTIQ – so instead of saying “el-gee-bee-tee-kyew-eye-ay-plus,” we can just say “glabteek” (rhymes with boutique!) and be done with it.  (…and if any “plus” people want to be included, I hope they are vowels!)

– Keith

your friendly GLABTIQ PLC (Parish/Pun Life Coordinator)

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