HTLC News Email, March 5, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

First, the sad news that Donna Miller (Lois Miller’s daughter) passed away last week. She had an existing heart condition and passed away in her sleep.  We offer up prayers of comfort and peace for the Miller family.

This Sunday, March 7, is the 3rd Sunday in Lent.  Pastor Tim is in da house (of worship), instead of recording from his own home, since the quarantine for the Huff family is finally over (Yay!).  Everything will be COVID-normal this Sunday morning with Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15, Zoom Communion at 9:45, and Zoom Sunday School and Confirmation Class at 10:00.  The Confirmation Class will have special guest Tori Valcarcel, our new Ministry in Context Student (you can’t tell by Zoom, but I assume she still has that new-ministry-in-context-student smell!).  And of, course, the video of the Online Worship Service will be available to watch whenever you darn well please!  Links and Zoom info will be in Sunday’s email.

Our Midweek Lenten Services will continue this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. with Holy Redeemer hosting.  Details and Zoom information will be in an email on Wednesday.

Thank you from Marielle and Annelise Miedema on behalf of Helping Hands.  With your donations, we created and dropped off 150 bags for Abode’s mobile units and families seeking shelter from Abode in December and January.  Special thanks to Wesley Smith’s family for the personal care bags!  Way to go, kids!

The Cause of the Month for March is LOV Newark (League of Volunteers –  This is where our Food Barrel collections go.  However, the organization has also been having a hard time financially during the pandemic, as some of their funding methods have been suspended (most notably their weekly BINGO games).  Please consider making a financial donation to LOV Newark by using the Give+ app under Cause of the Month or by sending in a contribution to the church marked “Cause of the Month.”  In addition, let’s make a special effort this month with our non-perishable Food Barrel donations – the need is great!

We are planning to have a live-by-Zoom Easter Service on April 4th, and there are also plans in the works for a drive-by Easter Breakfast.  Stay tuned (with rabbit ears, of course!).

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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