HTLC News Email, May 08, 2020

Hi, Everyone:

This Sunday, May 10, is the 5th Sunday of EasterMother’s Day (hi, Mom!), and Scrip Sunday. I hope you all took advantage of ThankScriping Day yesterday.  If not, think of scrip for Mom!  Once again, anyone who still needs to get a scrip account set up can do so by going to and using our organization code B768EC1D14576 so that HTLC gets a percentage of whatever you spend (not that that would be your main reason for getting Mom scrip – it’s because you’re a thoughtful, loving, and dutiful son or daughter – I know that about you!).  Watch for that Sunday morning email directing you to our online worship service.  What will you do when you can’t come to church in pajamas anymore?

If you’ve read yesterday’s update from President Collin (and I suggest you do – it’s full of interesting stuff like fires and boilers and insurance – oh my!) then you know that next Sunday, May 17, is Fill the Food Barrel Sunday and John Williams has volunteered to be at church to accept non-perishable food donations for LOV Newark’s food pantry.  It’ll be during regular church hours (8:45 am to noon, in case you’ve forgotten by now).  I’m sure all social distancing protocols will be observed – extra points for tossing your donations six feet from your car window to the food barrel without hitting the rim or John!  You can get rid of those three dozen cans of chili you hoarded two months ago!

Loretta Heihn’s memorial will not be held until a future date at Holy Trinity when gatherings are possible.  Until then, you can read her obituary and share memories at the Chapel of the Roses website:!/Obituary

Hope you’re all COVID-coping!


Your friendly PLC

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