Hi, Everybody:
This Sunday, May 17, is the 6th Sunday of Easter and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday for reals! Yes, John Williams will be at the church from 8:45 am to noon to accept your drop-offs of non-perishable food itemsfor the League of Volunteers of Newark. All the usual social distancing protocols apply. I’m sure John will have an extra-large face mask to cover his beard and a six-foot pole at the ready (not that you would touch him with a six-foot pole anyway!). It’s also Norwegian Constitution Day – but please, don’t bring any canned lutefisk for the food barrel.
Since I haven’t been able to print them in the insert for the last couple of months, The financial updates for March and April are attached to this email. Please have a look at them and the nice note Terri wrote at the end. I think you are doing great at giving, considering the virtualness of our services at the moment (maybe it’s the ability to fast forward through the sermon).
The minutes from Council Meetings are usually posted on the Council Bulletin Board in the narthex hallway at church. I know you probably are used to reading them religiously (so to speak), and have missed them so much, so I’ve attached them to this email as well. Thanks, Kathy for spending hours on these minutes!
Some good news (if a little late) in these troubled times: Dan and Judi McCallum have a new grandson! Graham Ewan McDowell was born on March 25 to Chris and Kirstin McDowell. Congratulations! Here are some pictures:

Hope you are all doing hunkery-dory
!- Keith (your friendly PLC)