HTLC News Email, May 21, 2021

Hi, Everybody:
This Sunday, May 23, 2021, is Pentecost Sunday!  Celebrate by wearing red, lighting candles to represent the tongues of fire, turning on all the fans for the rush of wind, and tuning the TV to a foreign-language station for the speaking in tongues (or just put on the album by Talking Heads – but make sure the candles aren’t “Burning Down the House!”).  Sunday School and Confirmation Class are over, and there’s no Communion while Pastor Tim is on vacation, but we will still have Zoom Coffee Chat and the Online Worship Service videos.  Pastor Barbara of Holy Redeemer is providing the Children’s Time and Sermon as part of our rotating monthly sermon sharing (or as I call it, Pastor of the Month Club).

We will be easing back into in-person worship starting on June 6 with outdoor worship services!  We’ll be gathering on the patio, masked and physically distancing to protect the most vulnerable among us.  There will be sealed individual wafer and grape juice sets for communion, but you may also BYOBB (bring your own body and blood).  Music will be mostly pre-recorded, but the Praise Band will be performing on 4th Sundays.  More details will be forthcoming, and I’m sure the services will evolve throughout the summer.  And don’t worry, the pre-recorded online services will continue to be available for those unable to be with us in person!

Well, it snuck up on me this year, but each year about this time we honor the graduates in our midst.  This includes all of those graduating from high school, college/university, advanced degree, and certificate programs. We do not want to leave anyone out!  So, if you know of someone you want to brag about (even if it’s yourself), please email me the following information:

  • Graduate’s name
  • Name of the school and location
  • Major (if applicable)
  • Degree or certificate earned (if applicable)

I’ll give you a few weeks to get the info to me, then I’ll mention them in an email blast in June.  Maybe we’ll even have printed inserts by then as well! (if can remember how to use the printer…).

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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