HTLC News Email, October 11, 2024

Hi, Everybody:

Oktoberfest is upon us!  Tomorrow, October 12, from 4 pm to 8 pm there will be good food, good friends, and good times to be had.  Karaoke, kids’ activities and all sorts of shenanigans (or whatever the Bavarian equivalent of that is).  If you’ve signed up to help, thank you!  If you haven’t signed up to help, don’t let that stop you, I ‘m sure all help will be appreciated – especially cleaning up!  Suggested donations are $20 for adults 12 and up, $15 for kids 5 – 11 and adults over 65, $5 a pour for beer and wine ($10 for a collectable HTLC pint or wine glass plus pour) and $1 for sodas.  As always, 10% of the net will go to an outside charity. Tell your family and friends!

This Sunday, in addition to the usual schedule, there will be an HTLC Council Meeting at noon.  They will be discussing moving the worship time from 10 am to 9:30 am to give people more time to grab a snack, talk, and even breathe before the next activity.  Let council members know your thoughts.

Next Sunday, October 20, is Children’s Sabbath, when we celebrate children and renew our promise to help them.  Our youth will be reading, leading prayers, ushering, and acolyting.  A special Sunday indeed!

The following Sunday, October 27, is Reformation Sunday, when we celebrate Martin Luther’s call for church reform by wearing red on that day.  Start searching your wardrobes for those crimson cummerbunds and crinolines!

On October 31, Reformation Day (and Halloween), we will be hosting a Trunk-or-Treat in our parking lot from 5:30 pm to 8 pm.  Neighborhood kids go to each decorated car, looking cute and threatening to trick you if you don’t hand over the goods (extortion as entertainment!).  Nachos, popcorn, and hot dogs will be available for a freewill offering.  Satisfy your inner goblin by signing up at the Media Table to decorate your car (or a parking spot) and hand out treats.  It’s always a fun time and a great way to greet the community.

November 3 is All Saints Sunday, when we remember those who have especially touched our lives but who are no longer with us.  You’ll have a chance during the service to light a candle in remembrance.  Please sign up your saints on the clipboard at the Media Table (in your most legible printing) by October 27 to have them listed in the bulletin.  If you would like a photo of your saint shown during the service, please email a picture to Carmen Blair or let her know to use a picture you previously provided. Remember that these names and photos will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel, so please make sure it’s okay with the person’s family or others in the photos before submitting them (especially that snapshot with Aunt Eunice in the background demonstrating the Macarena).

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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