HTLC News Email, October 18, 2024

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, October 20, is the 22nd Sunday after PentecostFill the Food Barrel Sunday, and Children’s Sabbath.  The kids will be participating in the service by doing the readings, prayers, acolyting, and ushering, and we will be renewing our promise to help and protect children.  (Unfortunately for them, this does not extend to cancelling their Sunday School and Confirmation classes!)

Next Sunday, October 27, is Reformation Sunday, celebrating when Martin Luther posted his 95 complaints about (among other things) the Catholic Church selling get-out-of-purgatory-early tickets.  It’s traditional to wear red on Reformation Sunday. (if you don’t, it’s a cardinal sin!)

Trunk-or-Treat is on Thursday, October 31st (the actual Reformation Day [but also Halloween]).  Sign up at the Media Table to bring your car and decorate it or decorate a parking space.  Try to arrive early enough to get your decorating done before the start time of 5:30 pm, and be sure to bring plenty of treats to hand out.  There will be hot dogs, nachos, and popcorn for a freewill donation, so you don’t have to worry about dinner!  Tell your friends, bring the kids, and have a great time watching all the cute children in their costumes, talking with fellow Lutherans, and meeting our neighbors.  Things wind up at about 8 pm, and help cleaning up is greatly appreciated.Sunday, November 3, our Worship Service time will change to 9:30 am in hopes of allowing more time for activities.  It’s also when we return to Standard Time.  Set your clocks back an hour the night before, but also set your alarm back a half hour so you wake up in time for church at the new schedule.  You’ll still gain a half hour of sleep!

All Saints Sunday is also on November 3.  Celebrate the people who have touched your life, but who have passed on.  Sign up their names on the clipboard at the Media Table in order to have their names appear in the bulletin and onscreen.  You may also have a picture of them displayed on the screen by emailing it to Carmen along with their name.  You will also have an opportunity during the service to light a candle in their memory.  Please sign up names or email your pictures by Sunday, Oct 27.

Also coming up in November are a Thankfulness Service  and a Thanksgiving Potluck on November 24, and rehearsals for this year’s Christmas Pageant.  Watch for upcoming details!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator

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