HTLC News Email, October 4, 2024

Hi, Everybody:

Tomorrow, Saturday, Oct 5 at 10 am, Learn to Bake Communion Bread!  Hospitality, along with the Worship Committee, will be hosting a communion bread making class.  They will go over making and baking the dough.  Please email so they know how many people to plan on. Ingredients will be provided along with a copy of the recipe. Please bring any of the following kitchen items if you have them:  4–5-quart bowl, measuring spoons and cups, rubber scrapers, rolling pins, bench/pastry knives, and measuring shot glasses.  If you don’t have some or all of these, I’m sure others will share (it’s the Christian thing to do).  They are planning on making bread for this Sunday.  Help keep the body of Christ fresh and delicious!

This Sunday, October 6, is our annual Animal Blessing Sunday. Bring your toy stuffed animals to worship service to receive a blessing during Children’s Time.  Then, join us on the patio at noon with your pets for a Blessing of the Live Animals.  Tell all your friends’ and neighbors’ pets, and have them bring along their humans (people are animals, too!).  It’s also Nacho Name Tag Sunday, so the humans can have treats to make sure they behave.  There is a Holy Redeemer Special Congregational Meeting at 11:15 am in the Sanctuary. This may be the last HRLC Congregational Meeting, so Holy Redeemer members, please attend if you can.  There will be no Bell Choir Rehearsal (we don’t want all those dogs drooling in Pavlovian response).

An attempted break-in at Holy Trinity was caught on camera.  It’s a sobering (and scary) reminder to make sure all windows and doors are all of the way closed and locked before you leave the campus.  Try them all from the outside and pull hard!  Thanks for your help in keeping our campus secure.

Oktoberfest is coming up in just one week (Ja! I know!) on Saturday, October 12, from 4 pm to 8 pm.  There are lots of opportunities for you to help out – see the sign-up sheets in the narthex.  But most importantly, tell your friends and family – they’ll have a spektakulär time!  There’ll be all kinds of sausages and other Bavarian-inspired foods, kids’ activities, karaoke, and more!  We’re asking for donations of $20 for adults 12 and up, $15 for kids 5 – 11 and adults over 65, $5 a pour for beer and wine ($10 for a collectable HTLC pint or wine glass plus pour) and $1 for sodas. As always, 10% of the net will go to an outside charity.

Next Sunday, there will be an HTLC Council Meeting at 12 pm in the Activity Room.  They will be discussing possible changes in our Sunday scheduling.  Due to the many activities we’re supporting on a Sunday morning, we’re considering nudging back the start time of worship to 9:30am. This would allow folks to be involved in more than one thing, have time to schmooze (I mean fellowship) and have a bite to eat (unless they’re on council!).  Please reach out to any council member with questions and/or concerns, and thank you in advance for your flexibility!

Lots of other things are coming up this month:  Children’s Sabbath on Oct. 20, Reformation Sunday on Oct. 27 (wear red!), Trunk-or-Treat on Oct. 31 (sign up in the narthex), and All Saints Sunday on Nov. 3 (sign up your saints in the narthex).  Every Sunday is special!  (plus 2 Saturdays and a Thursday!)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Fremont CA

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