HTLC News Email, October16, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, October 18, is the 20th Sunday after Pentecost and Children’s Sabbath.  We have some of our children and their families bravely taking turns as liturgists and readers in our online worship service.  Pastor Barbara will be providing the Homily this Sunday as part of our monthly sermon-sharing program between the Tri-City ELCA Pastors.  It’s a Sunday not to be missed!  There will be the usual Zoom Coffee Chat, Communion, Sunday School, and Confirmation (details on Sunday) but there will be NO Fill the Food Barrel this Sunday.  Why?  I’ll tell you in the next paragraph…

Our parking lot will be closed to all vehicles and activities for two weeks.  Boy Scout Troop #132, under the leadership of Jim Dalton will be working with Jamie (owner of Guerra Construction) in placing a slurry seal and re-striping our parking lot.  They are doing this to thank Holy Trinity for their support.  Work is scheduled to begin Saturday, October 17th at 9:00 am and last until the evening of Friday, October 30th.  You can still park on the street, but I would not advise schlepping food items all the way from the street to the Activity Room.  Besides, I doubt John Williams wants to schlep them all back to the street to deliver them, so just put it off for a couple of weeks.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Kathleen and Leah’s Adult Forum on their trip to Romania now has dates:  At 10 am on Sundays October 25th and November 1st.  Week one will focus on the archaeological excavations and the findings of the field school (viewer discretion advised: skeletonized human remains will be shown. [unlike at Halloween?]). Week two will show the churches they visited and include a discussion of the religious history of the Transylvanian region (How a propos!).

All Saints Sunday is coming up fast, and I have yet to receive a single name of someone to include in the (admittedly virtual) bulletin and online service.  Please email them to me at  If you would like to contribute a shareable picture of your loved one to be shown in the online video service for all the world to see (remember, this is the world-wide web we’re talking about), please email them to Carmen Blair at  If you would like to use a picture submitted in past years, please also let Carmen know.

Next week is Reformation Sunday!  Crimson clothing is traditional, so if you don’t wear red for Coffee Chat, you’ll turn red from embarrassment!

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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