HTLC News Email, September 11, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, September 13, is Rally Day!  Rally Day is when we normally go back to our two-service schedule with Sunday School, Adult Forum, and fellowship in-between.  This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the worship service is onlineat whatever time you want to watch it.  The rest of the festivities are happening live through Zoom.  Here’s the Zoom schedule for this Sunday:

  • 9:15 am:   Coffee Chat
  • 9:45 am:   Holy Communion
  • 10:00 am:
    • Blessing of Backpacks, Briefcases, Key Chains
    • Installation of Christian Education
    • Rally Day Fun & Games

Be sure to have your bread and beverage ready for Communion and your backpacks and briefcases ready for blessing.  After Rally Day, this schedule will continue with Education for all ages at the 10 am slot, probably through at least December (unless space aliens come and cure the coronavirus – it could happen!)

This Sunday is also God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday!  Since we can’t really gather together to get something done, we’re making it an extraSunday of Fill the Food Barrel.  We can do it – two weeks of non-perishables for LOV Newark’s Food Pantry!  You can drop off donations Sunday morning from 8:30 am to 11 am both weeks, or during office hours (10 am to 2 pm ) most weekdays (call first to make sure I’m there).  Wear your overly bright God’s Work Our Hands t-shirts if you feel so inclined.

Also this Sunday there’s a Council Meetingvia Zoom (noonish, I believe).  Ask Marta Wicke if you need the Zoom details.

Thanks to all who have already turned in their puzzle pieces for our upcoming (because I haven’t started it yet) display.  I know there wasn’t much time between when they were mailed out and when we asked for them back, so you get a reprieve!  If you haven’t turned yours in yet, please decorate either side in any way that expresses your personality (If your personality doesn’t include crafting, just scrawl your first name across it.  Perfect!)  The more people who turn them in, the more representative of our congregational family the display will be.  We don’t want anyone left out!  You can mail them in, drop them off in the church mailbox, or drop them off during office hours (M-F 10-2, call first).

Thanks again to all who made the Virtual Spaghetti Feed such a success!  Terri’s latest figuring is that we netted $4,458.85!  Way to go everyone!  If you missed out on Erik Holland’s Zoom interview with Pastor Tim, you can still see it (or see it again).  Just Click Here.  Check out Pastor Tim’s Tiki Lounge!

Okay, just in case you were thinking “What a great evangelizing opportunity!” when I mentioned space aliens, here’s a cartoon I’ll probably never get the chance to use again:

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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