HTLC News Email, September 16/17, 2022

Hi, Everybody.  Sorry this is so late:

This Sunday, September 18, 2022, is the 15th Sunday after Pentecost and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  Worship will be at 10 am and Sunday School and Confirmation Class are at 11:15 am.  There is a Worship Committee Meeting at 12:15 pm.  I’ve changed the narthex bulletin board (after two years!) and the hand-crafted self-expressive puzzle pieces you made (remember?) are available to pick up in the narthex.  Thanks for your participation!

Tuesday Bible Study is returning this week!  It’s on September 20 at 10 am in the Activity Room and lasts an hour or so (depending on how chatty people get).  They will be reading and discussing Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren.  From the introduction:  “In the overlooked moments and routines of our day, we can become aware of God’s presence in surprising ways. How do we embrace the sacred in the ordinary and the ordinary in the sacred?”  All are invited.  You do not need to purchase the book to attend.  However, it does help to bring your sense of humor!

Oktoberfest is coming on October 8, 4 pm to 8 pm.  We’re not advertising it to the general public, but we are inviting the other local ELCA churches, so we could use some help in the serving/cashiering/cleaning-up departments.  I’ll put out sign-up sheets for volunteers this Sunday, or you can also email or call me at the office, and I’ll be glad to forge your name on the sign-up list.  It’s also helpful to know how many are planning on attending, so there’ll be a sign-up sheet for that as well (or you can put my forging talents to work again via email/phone).  The “suggested donations” are $15 for adults, $10 for children and seniors, and $45 for a family of 4, and our beverage dispensing station will be up and running.  There’ll be karaoke, a bouncy haus for the kids, and other fun goings-on.  Don’t miss it!

Animal Blessing Sunday will be on October 9 this year with the usual blessing of stuffed animals during the worship service, and a blessing of live animals at 11:15 am on the patio following the service.  Bring your furry companions (or scaly or feathery, etc.) for a short ceremony and a blessing. They deserve it!

Speaking of animals, have you met our newest visitor?  A chicken found her way into the Peace Garden last Saturday (talk about your free range chickens!) and seems to have taken up residence.  We haphazardly dubbed her “Jeanine” from an online video Richard was watching at the time.  Later, I looked up the name Jeanine and found out it means “God is gracious!”  Sally has notified NextDoor and the animal shelter in hopes of reuniting Jeanine with her family, but I kind of hope she stays.  I’ve become fond of her.  I wonder what she’s named me (probably chicken language for “that guy who feeds me and talks to me in a sickeningly cutesy high-pitched voice” [pronounced “buck”]).

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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