HTLC News Email, September 23, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, September 25, is the 16th Sunday after Pentecost and Lutheran Loose Change Sunday.  The usual schedule is as usually usual:  Worship at 10 am, Sunday School/Confirmation at 11:15 am.

Next Sunday, October 2, Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church of Newark will be visiting us!  On the first Sunday of the month, the Sunday Schools and Confirmation Classes of Holy Redeemer and Holy Trinity meet together at alternating churches.  Next Sunday is our turn to host, and not only are the Holy Redeemer kids coming, but they’re bringing along the rest of HRLC as well!  Pastor Barbara and her congregation will join us for worship and nachos (I’m trying to believe they are coming because they love us so, but it could just be the nachos).  What a great opportunity for fellowship between our congregations!

Oktoberfest!  On Saturday October 8 from 4 pm to 8 pm there’ll be all sorts of Germanesque food, drink, and fun happening here at HTLC.  $15 for adults and $10 for kids 3-11 and seniors.   Activities include (but are not limited to) karaoke, bouncy haus, and raffles.  Plus, the possible return of the Oompah Band (but don’t let that deter you).  Sign-up sheets for attending and/or helping out are on the Media Table in the narthex, or just email me how many of you are coming (and/or volunteering) so we can plan properly.  It’s gonna be “eine gute Zeit” (“a good time” in German, according to the infallible internet).

The very next day (October 9) is Animal Blessing Sunday.  Bring your plush toy animals to worship for a blessing during Children’s Time, and bring your live pets to the patio area at 11:15 for a short ceremony and blessing.  Those still “under the weather” from Oktoberfest may want to bring earplugs.

Will our itinerant chicken Jeanine still be here to get a blessing?  No one has claimed her yet, though we have had two offers to take her in from local people who keep chickens (no, neither of them had the rank of colonel).  She seems to be happy here, and I enjoy her company, but she’s wandering further afield and I fear for her safety.  Should we just leave her be?  Should we build an enclosure at the church to keep her safer from animals, people, and traffic?  Should we place her with her own kind at a neighbor’s?  Should Keith and Richard take her home and keep her in their tiny concrete patio area and get another chicken to keep her company? (um… no, Richard).  Sensible opinions welcomed.

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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