HTLC News Email, September 27, 2024

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, September 29, is the 19th Sunday after Pentecost.  Worship is at 10 am and Sunday School/Confirmation is at 11:15 am.  There is no Bell Choir Rehearsal this Sunday.

Next Sunday, October 6, there will be a Holy Redeemer Special Congregational Meeting at 11:15 am at Holy Trinity.  This may be the last HRLC Congregational Meeting, so Holy Redeemer members please attend if you can.

On Saturday, October 5 at 10 am, Hospitality along with the Worship Committee will be hosting a communion bread making class.  We will go over making and baking the dough.  Please email or sign up in the narthex so we know how many people to plan on. Ingredients will be provided along with a copy of the recipe.  Please bring the following items if you have them:

  • 4-5 quart bowl (stainless if you have it)
  • measuring spoons, TBS, tsp, 1/2 tsp
  • fork (okay, we have plenty of these!!)
  • rubber scraper
  • rolling pin
  • bench knife/pastry knife
  • 2 cup graduated measuring cup
  • 1 oz or 30ml graduated measuring shot glass

If you don’t have some or all of these, we will be able to share. We will plan on making bread for Sunday the 6th.  It’s the yeast you can do!

Next Sunday, October 6, is our annual Animal Blessing Sunday. Bring your toy stuffed animals to worship service to receive a blessing during Children’s Time. Then, join us on the patio at noon with your pets for a Blessing of the Live Animals – a short ceremony and blessing for those animal companions who give us so much. 

Oktoberfest is coming up in just two weeks: Saturday, October 12, from 4 pm to 8 pm.  There are lots of opportunities for you to help out; see the sign-up sheets in the narthex.  It takes a lot of volunteers to put on this wunderbar event.  There’ll be all kinds of sausages and other German foods, kids’ activities, karaoke, and more!  We’re asking for donations of $20 for adults 12 and up, $15 for kids 5 – 11 and adults over 65, $5 a pour for beer and wine ($10 for a collectable HTLC pint or wine glass plus pour) and $1 for sodas.  As always, 10% of the net will go to an outside charity.

October 20 is Children’s Sabbath, when we celebrate children and renew our promise to help them. Some of our youth will be helping with the service!

October 27, the last Sunday in October, is when we observe Reformation Sunday.  Please help us celebrate Martin Luther’s call for church reform in 1517 by wearing red on that day!

Trunk or Treat is coming up on Thursday, October 31, from 5:30 pm to 8 pm.  Decorate your car (or a parking spot), dress up, and bring candy to hand out.  Nachos and hot dogs will be available for a freewill offering.  It’s a free, fun, safe way for kids to trick-or-treat!  Sign up in the narthex!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator

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