HTLC News Email – September 3, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, September 5, is the 15th Sunday after Pentecost.  It’s also Labor Day weekend, so expect to hear some labor-themed litanies and prayers during the service.  The schedule is as usual:  Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 am, Zoom Communion at 9:30 am, Outdoor Worship Service at 10 am, and a pre-recorded Online Worship Service will be available.  However, the church office will be closed on Monday – because I say so and I’m the boss! (it says so on my coffee mug – or maybe that just refers to the mug itself – it is a pretty “boss” mug!).

Next Sunday, September 12, is Rally Day.  While the Coffee Chat, Zoom Communion and Worship Service schedule will continue as it has during the summer, we have a new event to mark the occasion:  Just when you thought we forgot about Sunday School and our annual traditions… it’s time for a drive thru Rally Day!  All are welcome to help kick off the Christian Education year with a drive-in celebration, blessing and parade!  It will take place Sunday, September 12, at 11 am (after in-person service).  We invite everyone to come to church for a drive-by backpack/briefcase blessing at 11am.  Sunday School kids will get goody bags including supplies for Sunday School lessons (and some treats). Families are encouraged to decorate their cars and join us in a short car parade around the neighborhood.  We might not be meeting in person yet, but we are looking forward to congregating together to celebrate the new year of learning! Students, if you cannot attend, please let Marta Wicke know ahead of time so we can get you your supplies.
After Rally Day, K-6 Sunday School will be held at 9 am over Zoom. If you’re interested and didn’t attend last year, please contact Marta Wicke. The Zoom links will be shared over email closer to the date.

You’ve probably seen my earlier email about GivePlus changing to Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement, but here’s the gist: Vanco, our eGiving provider, has launched an updated mobile app called Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement.  You can download the Vanco Mobile app for free from the App Store or Google Play. From there, after choosing our church (there are many Holy Trinity churches – be sure to choose the one on Blacow Road in Fremont!), you can make a one-time donation or set up recurring giving right through the app. Just select your fund and amount, enter a payment method, and complete the donation.  Please download Vanco Mobile by September 30. Vanco will be retiring GivePlus Mobile after September 30.  If you have questions or need assistance with our new mobile app, please stop by the church office or call us at 510-793-6285 (and I’ll probably scratch my head and say, “I dunno”).  You can also contact our Treasurer Terri MacFarlane via email at

The Christmas Pageant this year will be an online phenomenon!  Kathleen has written a new script, & would like to include music this year, which will require a bunch of video editing. This means that things need to happen earlier than usual. The schedule tentatively looks like this, but Kathleen has been offered rehearsal time during Sunday school, and she is willing to do that instead of Saturday rehearsals if it’s more convenient.  (let her know if any of these dates won’t work):

  • September 26th — sing-along videos & script sent out
  • October 23rd — first rehearsal, sing-along videos due
  • October 30th — second rehearsal
  • November 6th — official run through
  • December 12th — broadcast of video

If your children would like to participate, please contact Kathleen at; she needs to know how many are interested and what roles they might like to take on — usual suspects are present this year:  shepherds, wise men, the whole bunch.  Parts will be assigned according to desired role & the amount of speaking the kids are willing/able to do.

Have a great Labor Day weekend, everybody.  You have to – the Coffee Cup Boss says so!

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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