HTLC News Email, September 9, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

Don’t forget, tomorrow (Sat. Sept. 10) is the God’s Work Our Hands event with Holy Redeemer at Central Park (Lake Elizabeth).  Meet at the Sabercat Play Area (near the waterslides) at 10 am for an hour of clean-up, followed by a meet-and-greet for the Sunday School kids (and adults as well) at 11 am.  Be sure to wear your God’s Work Our Hands t-shirts (or, failing that, any HTLC or Thrivent shirt!).  Bring grabber-thingies if you got ’em.  It’s a great way to help the community, be visible, and meet your fellow Lutherans!

This Sunday, September 11, is Rally Day and God’s Work Our Hands Sunday, so wear those t-shirts (unless they’re too stinky from the day before!).  Rally Day is the start of our Christian education season and a general let’s-get-back-to-normal-from-summer Sunday (summer kind of lasted a couple of years this time!).  During the service, we will have a Blessing of Backpacks and Briefcases, so be sure to bring yours as well as your kids’ (because we can use all the blessings we can get at both work and school!).  We will also have a Presentation of Bibles to a few kids, and an Installation of Christian Educators.  Plus, we will have a Litany in Remembrance of 9/11.  Sunday School and Confirmation Class start up at 11:15 am (hopefully giving time to grab any treats), after the 10 am Worship Service.  There will be a Council Meeting at noon.  Contact Marta Wicke if you would like to attend.  It’s also Scrip Sunday, because there’s just not enough else going on! (Whew!)  We are currently looking for someone to lead Adult Forum. Is it you? Let Pastor Tim know if you can!

Tuesday Bible Study is returning on September 20, 10 am to 11 am.  (I’ve missed hearing their laughter)  They will be reading and discussing “Liturgy of the Ordinary” by Tish Harrison Warren.  A quote from the introduction: “In the overlooked moments and routines of our day, we can become aware of God’s presence in surprising ways. How do we embrace the sacred in the ordinary and the ordinary in the sacred?”  All are invited. You do not need to purchase the book to attend.

My two typing fingers are getting tired, so I’ll just quickly remind you to volunteer for Oktoberfest (Oct. 8, let me know your willingness), craft for the Holiday Boutique (Nov. 12, ditto), and participate in the Christmas Pageant (Dec. 11, contact Kathleen).  Oh, and Animal Blessing Sunday is coming up on October 9!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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