Pastor Barbara

Message from Tri-City ELCA Pastor Barbara Caine

Tri-City ELCA Pastor Barbara Caine

March 20, 2020

As we all know, COVID-19 has caused major disruptions in the lives of our loved ones, communities, nation and world. The ELCA faith communities in the Tri-City recognize that these fast-unfolding events are creating concern and uncertainty for all of us. As such, during this time of social distancing and sheltering at home we want you to know that we are standing with you. Each week you will be sent a devotion from the clergy in hope of providing comfort, strength and hope. The second is from Pastor Barbara Caine at Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church – Newark.

Pastor Barbara

Dear Church!

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Phil 1:2 

Day 3 of the “Shelter in Place.” From Pastor Barbara Caine at Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church – Newark 

On Monday, at 7 p.m. our bell choir director began a text with “Ready! 1, 2, 3, 4; 2, 2, 3, 4!” Soon we were all “virtually” chiming in during our bell choir practice time. What fun! We received virtual hugs and cries of “Wait, wait, I’m not ready!!! and “Miss you 2, 2, 3, 4!” As we were all laughing on 9 different phones, I thought, as I have many times, what a wonderful thing the church is! 

On Tuesday, as we struggled to have our Church Council Meeting by Conference call, I was again struck by the good humor and grace of the people of this place. The fact that we couldn’t hear one member (who could hear us), but we could hear the intermittent sound of a waterfall didn’t stop us from enjoying each other’s company and discussing the business of the church!  Can you all relate? 

So, as we are all in this boat together – and apart! – I am heartened, dear Church, by your faith and your determination to take care of each other and continue to share God’s love and grace with everyone we encounter. You know, Jesus spent a lot of time in a boat and is with us in ours! 

In the meantime, if someone comes into your mind, please consider calling them, FaceTiming, Skyping, or sending a text or email. We are all pretty isolated and it could make someone’s day. And when you talk with others, please check and see if they have a need. Let’s see if, as a church, we can rise up to help meet each other’s needs in this difficult and scary time. Your Pastor and lay leaders can help you with this! 

Now, be sure to look for the On-line Worship offering of your church as we all join in from where we are.  Take very good care and be safe as we pray for each other and our world! 

Love in Christ, Pastor Barbara Caine

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