Midweek Lenten Services, 2022

Midweek Lenten Services – 6:30 pm on Wednesdays

Throughout the season of Lent, we will have Midweek Lenten Services on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm here at Holy Trinity in conjunction with Christ the King and Holy Redeemer. The half-hour meditative services will include Taizé music, dramatic readings from “Glimpses–Then and Now“, and questions to ponder. The services will be available in-person, streaming on YouTube, and by Zoom. Click here for a bulletin for the services. Please join us.

Here is the schedule:

March 9 Welcome/Reader/Drama by HTLC
Jesus in the Wilderness—We all crave peace
Questions:  What does it feel like to be at peace? Have you ever experienced peace making and what worked or failed?

March 16 Welcome/Reader/Drama by CTK
Warned by Pharisees—Discernment means knowing whom to follow
Questions:  Why do you follow or unfollow people? Why do other people follow you?

March 23 Welcome/Reader/Drama by HR
The Fig Tree—Plants and people both need nurturing 
Questions:  What kept you nurtured throughout the last 2 years? What was missing?

March 30 Welcome/Reader/Drama by CTK
The Prodigal Son—There’s forgiveness for our prodigal ways  
Questions:  What does it feel like to be forgiven? What does it feel like to forgive?

April 6 Welcome/Reader/Drama  by HR
Mary Anoints Jesus’ Feet—Whether it’s perfume for Jesus’ feet or outreach programs, giving comes from the heart
Questions:  In the past year what was the greatest gift you got? And what was the greatest gift you gave?

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