Worship canceled March 15, 2020

Dear Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Community,

I’m sending this update this afternoon to inform you, with a heavy heart, that for the first time in the 55+ year history of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, we will suspend all public gatherings for worship Sunday, March 15, as well as our Mid-Week Lenten service on March 18th.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study will take place, but there will be NO potluck. We will be following all recommendations regarding the prevention of infection and “social distancing.”

Please check your email late tomorrow morning for a link to my devotional regarding the current times we find ourselves in.

Please know the Executive Committee did not make this decision lightly. It was made with an abundance of prayer and conversation considering recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as State, County Officials and ELCA leadership.

We have felt the full burden of our responsibility to those people who gather in-person to worship God at Holy Trinity.

Ultimately, we could not get past the very real and sobering possibility that by holding public services at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church this weekend, our life-giving church could be a setting for the spread of the coronavirus for the community we serve and love.

The Executive Committee did not want to contribute to anything that could put anyone in a dangerous situation. This is a very fluid situation and council is staying informed about what is happening.

There will be an emergency Council meeting this week, by phone, to make decisions concerning the health and well-being of our community, and members for the upcoming days.

These are the times that faith is for — times like this, when we need assurance that we’re not alone, and that together we will get through whatever lies ahead.
Now is the time to draw close to God in prayer, and to one another in acts of kindness and love. Remember that we do not walk this road alone. Christ walks with us.
Let’s not forget that we worship a God who is a healer and life-giver. And this God will see us through.

Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you. – Isaiah 41:10

May the peace, healing and calm of the Holy Spirit hold us,
Pastor Tim

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