HTLC News Email, October 09, 2020

Hi, Everybody:
This Sunday, October 11, is the 19th Sunday after Pentecost and Scrip Sunday (register online at and enter HTLC’s enrollment code, B768EC1D14576 – you get full value of the gift cards and HTLC gets a percentage!).  It’s a pretty normal Sunday (new normal, that is) with Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15, Zoom Communion at 9:45, Zoom Sunday School at 10 am, and Online Worship Service videos at any time you wish (“Honey, let’s go to the 1:37 service this Sunday!”).  There will also be a Zoom Council Meeting at 1 pm this Sunday.

Next Sunday is Children’s Sabbath Sunday (that’s repetitively redundant!)  The kids will be reading the lessons and supplying letters and drawings on the subject of “God’s love in the world.”  Please email pictures or scans of your kid’s artwork or letters to the office ( or drop them off at the church this Sunday from 8:30 am to 11 am.

The following week, October 25, is Reformation Sunday when we celebrate Martin Luther posting his 95 gripes on the church doors (Nailed it!).  Be sure to wear red pajamas as you watch the service.

Then it’s on to All Saints Sunday, November 1, when we rememberthose who have been saints in our lives but have passed on. Please email me the names of the people you would like included in our online service.  If you would like to contribute a picture of your saint to be shown in the online video service, please email digital versions to Carmen Blair at (remember everybody in the world will be able to see these pictures – be sure it is OK to share it).  If you would like to use a picture submitted in past years, please also let Carmen know.

Before Adult Forum was so rudely interrupted by COVID-19 back in March, Kathleen and Leah Keating were going to share their trip to Romania in two PowerPoint presentations. Well, it’s virtually back on, so watch for the dates!  Week one will focus on the archaeological excavations and the findings of the field school (viewer discretion advised: skeletonized human remains will be shown). Week two will show the churches they visited and include a discussion of the religious history of the Transylvanian region.

And speaking of Kathleen, she needs to know how many children/families are interested in participating in the Christmas Pageant this year.  She is preparing a script to be recorded on Zoom and shown (the third week of Advent?).  She would like to hear from families of participants who will be participating, how much they would like to speak, and what timing would be best for rehearsals. She can be contacted at

We are doing Adopt an Angel (our usual November Cause of the Month) a little differently this year due to, yep, you guessed it, COVID-19.  Instead of buying gifts, we are going to do $25 gift cards for each child: Amazon, Target and Walmart.  Last year, we committed to 90 gifts and it would be nice to get that many cards.  Just giving you a heads-up in case you wanted to purchase them through our scrip program (it is scrip Sunday, after all).  A win-win situation!

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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