Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Churches – Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer, May 13, 2021

Devotion for May 13 from Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer:

Beloved, if God has loved us so, we must have the same love for one another. 1 John 4:11

This photo is an image of our new Bishop-Elect Megan Rohrer.  It’s a screenshot from our online Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly.  If you look in the left-hand corner Zoom box you’ll see one of Holy Redeemer’s voting members, Jay, chillin’ on the couch.  It was an extraordinary assembly in several ways, with both ups and downs as we grappled with the responsibilities of discerning God’s will, choosing new leadership, and focusing on the leaders God has equipped to impel us into a future full of hope and grace! 

Let me tell you, we made history, folks, because Bishop-elect Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer is the first transgendered Bishop of any of the major denominations in the United States.  And the runner-up, Pastor Jeff Johnson, who only lost by two votes, would have made history as well, as he would have been the first openly gay bishop in our synod. What richness in our leadership choices!  God has blessed us as a synod by opening our hearts to varied expressions of what the church looks like!

Now, I don’t know if you’ve had the privilege to hear and experience Christ’s love in action through Pastor – soon to be Bishop – Megan, but I hope you will.  You see, we – as a synod – have become accepting enough that Bishop Megan was recognized and elected, not as a token trans person, but because of who they are and and how they spread God’s love!  In First John, Jesus said, “Beloved, if God has loved us so, we must have the same love for one another.” 

In all the folderol of making history, let us not lose sight of what God wants for God’s people!  I will quote Bishop-Elect Megan, “I am humbled and honored, and aware that this call is bigger than me, My hope is that your grandkids will call you, and your kids will call you, and your friends will call you, and ask you about your faith. And when they call, tell them how much you love Jesus and why Jesus’ faith in you meant why you could have faith in me.”

Well said!
In Christ,
Pastor Barbara

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