HTLC News Email, September 17, 2021

This Sunday, September 19, is the 17th Sunday after Pentecost and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  Zoom Sunday School begins this week at 9 am (Welcome back, kids!).  Contact Marta Wicke for Zoom details.  The rest of the day’s schedule is as usual with Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 am, Zoom Communion at 9:30 am, Outdoor Worship Service at 10 am, and a pre-recorded Online Worship Service available.

On Sunday October 3rd, Holy Trinity will hold our annual animal blessing.  This year again it will be a Virtual Blessing of the Animals (both live and plush) by Zoom at 11:30 am.  Just email me at with your name, email address, and names of your pets, and I will email you the Zoom information.  If you’re comfortable with using the video feature, it would be fun to see your animal companion, stuffed animal, or a picture of your animal (you don’t have to use video if it gives you paws).  Our pets do so much fur us, let’s do something fur them!

Intrepid Treasurer Terri’s Financial Report for August is available.  The last few months we’ve been staying between an $8,000 to $9,000 deficit – steadily but weakly bobbing along like a balloon left over from last week’s Rally Day.

Speaking of financialities, don’t forget to download the new Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement phone app before the GivePlus app goes away on September 30th.  You can find our church in the app by searching for “Holy Trinity,” scrolling through the Holy Trinities (there are quite a few) until you get to ours at 38801 Blacow Road in Fremont.  You can set up recurring weekly or monthly donations that make giving as easy as falling off a proverbial log (not actually from the book of Proverbs.  However, Ecclesiastes10:9 does say that “…someone splitting logs can fall into danger.” [ISV]).

If you want to be part of this year’s virtual Christmas Pageant, be sure to contact Kathleen Keating.  Scripts and sing-along videos should be coming out Sept. 26.  (yaaaaay – Christmas music in September!).

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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