Keith Hillesland

HTLC News Email, January 28, 2022

Hi, Everybody.  To make up for last week’s “short and sweet,” this week I’m making it “long and blathery”: This Sunday, January 30, is the 4th Sunday after Epiphany and Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Sunday.  The RIC Program helps Lutheran churches celebrate and advocate for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.  We’ve been an RIC member church since waaaay back …

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Pastor Tim

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Churches – Pastor Tim of Holy Trinity, January 26, 2022

Made With Love Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good;  love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Romans 12:9-11 Have you ever seen Pinterest verses Reality, Epic Fails or Nailed It? There …

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Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Churches – Pastor Barbara Caine, January 19, 2022

Devotion for January 19, 2022, from Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer: I just couldn’t do it this year.  I just couldn’t make any resolutions to lose weight (oh, but I should!), to exercise (that would be good!), or to take better care of myself (yup, that, too!).  With the Omicron variant, with fires, storms, …

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HTLC News Email, January 14, 2022

Hi, Everybody: This Sunday, January 16, is the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  Zoom Sunday School, Communion, and Coffee Chat will take place at 9:00, 9:15, and 9:30 am respectively.  The 10 am Worship Service is still in-person, indoor, in masks, and inclement (if you sit near one of the open windows).  Try the front half of the …

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HTLC News Email, January 7, 2022

Happy Epiphany, Everybody! Yes, Epiphany was yesterday (Jan. 6), which means Christmas is officially over.  This Sunday, January 9, is the first Sunday after Epiphany.  Indoor worship is at 10 am with masks, distancing, and ventilation.  We will be celebrating the wise men following the star to find Jesus.  At the end of the service, we will have candle lighting and the …

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