HTLC News Email, January 7, 2022

Happy Epiphany, Everybody!

Yes, Epiphany was yesterday (Jan. 6), which means Christmas is officially over.  This Sunday, January 9, is the first Sunday after Epiphany.  Indoor worship is at 10 am with masks, distancing, and ventilation.  We will be celebrating the wise men following the star to find Jesus.  At the end of the service, we will have candle lighting and the lights of the Christmas tree will go out, symbolizing that we carry the light of Christ with us out into the world.  It’s also Scrip Sunday – get yourself what you really wanted for Christmas and help the church as well!  Zoom Sunday School starts up again at 9 am, and Zoom Coffee Chat and Communion are at 9:15 and 9:30 am as usual.  There will be a Church Council Meeting at 11:30 am via Zoom.  If you would like to attend, please contact Marta Wicke.

The Jesus and Justice Collective is presenting The Latinx American Experience: A Panel Discussion about How Faith, Culture & Racial Justice Collide.  It will be at Christ the King Lutheran Church this Sunday, January 9, at 2 pm.  Click here for more information and to register.

Those of you who watch our online worship videos, a reminder:  we are now recording our live services instead of doing a separate pre-recorded version.  This means that the service videos won’t be available to watch until sometime Sunday afternoon (usually about 1 pm or so, if all the internet stars are in alignment – ask the Magi).  However, pre-recorded Children’s Time is back!  We had suspended Children’s Time in the live services because we don’t have a lot of children attending and we wouldn’t want them gathering up front anyway (we don’t want to spread COVID cooties).  Now, we will be providing a Children’s Time video which will be available to watch first thing Sunday morning.  So, if you thought Children’s Time was the only thing worth watching in the services, you can get your church done early!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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