Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Churches – Pastor Barbara Caine, May 27, 2021

Devotion for May 27, 2021, from Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer:

11 For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Jer. 29:11

I took a wonderful walk around the lake last week with a friend in Newark and saw this adorable goose family – a gaggle of geese?  That sight – and that walk – brought me great joy!   I spent time in Pacific Grove with my family on Monday/ I sucked in the sea air, blew bubbles with my grandsons, and made dinner for my loved ones, a particular joy! 

But do you want to know what was the highlight of my week?  This picture will give you a clue!  I spent a quite spectacular couple of hours in the sanctuary of Holy Redeemer, with a tangle of chords, a step ladder, my computer and a bunch of adapters.  In spite of the fact that I made not one whit of progress toward getting the sanctuary ready to meet in person with Zoom at the same time, I was filled with joy!  And hope!! 

I do not know what God has in mind, what plans for the future of God’s church, but I do know there is a future and that we have much to hope for as we move forward.  Right now, as the horizon looks brighter in the US and Covid-19 illnesses are reduced due to the vaccine, we can do all we can to make sure that the same thing happens in India and other places in our world.  I know the church is playing a part in helping that to happen.  And as the children of the world are closer to being vaccinated, we can take time to evaluate the lessons we’ve learned about technology, and live into some of those plans God has for us.

 I have much hope in the possibilities that are opening up for us!  What fruit will come from the connections we have made with each other in our area and across the world?!  I’m excited to explore these connections with you and with the other clergy and lay leaders – in the Tri-Cities area and beyond!  I am confident that the Holy Spirit is going to continue to bless us with creative ideas and ways to love and care for each other and will continue to work through us to improve this world we live in!  Take heart!  

In Christ,
Pastor Barbara

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