Pastor Tim

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Tim Huff of Holy Trinity, December 01, 2020

Devotion for December 01, 2020 from Pastor Tim Huff of Holy Trinity: 

“In the beginning was a home and the home was God’s peace, 

and God was peace.” 

Lo The Poet 

The devotion for today is drawn from “Worship at Home for the Holidays” by Mary Scifres and B.J. Beu. 

As you prepare to read this, I invite you to light a candle. Perhaps the one from your Advent Wreath. 


As you gaze upon the flickering candle, reflect on an aspect of God’s peace that seems missing from your life – something that would make God’s peace your true home. Once this is clear in your mind, center your attention on your breath. Breathe this peace deeply into your lungs and hold your breath for a moment, feeling God’s peace spread throughout your body, becoming your home. As you exhale, focus on casting out the worries, fears and insecurities that hinder the peace you seek – the peace that the Spirit offers us each and every moment of our lives. Continue to breathe in and out until you feel rooted in Christ’s peace. 

Now say this prayer for Peace… 

Your home is peace, Author of Shalom, 

for you are Peace – peace that is a resting place when I feel lost and forsaken; 

peace that brings comfort and mercy when I am weary and heavy laden; 

peace that cradles me in abundant love when I find myself outside in the cold; 

peace that flows in a spring of living water when I am in the wilderness of life. 

Open my heart, Prince of Peace, 

that I may receive you into my life this day. 

I am ready for your coming, 

the coming of Peace. Amen. 

The Word… 

But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days…And he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they shall live secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth; and he shall be the one of peace. 

Micah 5:2, 4-5a 


From Bethlehem, the least significant clan of Judah, comes one who is greatest-one who will rule and shepherd God’s people with righteousness and peace. Bethlehem literally means “house of bread,” which is fitting, since Christ is not just our Shepherd, Christ is the very bread of life. The strength of the Lord and the majesty of God is not found in tasty falafels or really good Sabbath Challah, but in the living bread that came down from heaven. This ruler gives us food that truly satisfies, for it nurtures the spirit within us. This is a day to celebrate the peace that comes from eating the bread of heaven – a bread often scorned by those who are starving to death from spiritual hunger. 


  • What restlessness do you want to be set free from? 
  • Where do you find comfort in your crazy? 
  • Where are the shut-up places in your hearts? 
  • How might this Advent season help you open more fully to God and to others? 


Peace has come. 

Be open to its promise. 

Be prepared to lay your burdens down 

and rest in the Prince of Peace. 

Be ready to receive Shalom, 

the coming of Peace. 

Pastor Tim 

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