Today’s Special.
Not that long ago, when we walked into our favorite dining establishment, we would see the sign above. Oh for those days again.
Let me give you an example. This being Friday, if you drove to the Cracker Barrel in Sacramento their special is The Fish Fry. The special is priced at $9.99 and served from 11 am to 7 pm. It comes with four Cod Fillets hand-dipped in Cracker Barrel’s own special batter and fried, plus Steak Fries and Cole Slaw, served with hand-rolled Buttermilk Biscuits or Cornbread.
As I was reading my favorite blogs, I came across this by Seth Godin.
He writes:
I just noticed something about the ubiquitous sign at every diner.
On one hand, it means, “the special that was assigned to today.”
It’s possessive.
But on the other hand, it could simply mean, “today is special.”
Because both are true. Plan accordingly.
I love it. Both are true. Today is special and we are special as well.
Isaiah 43:4 says: “Because you are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you…” Psalm 118:24 says: “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
In these stressful times, I need to hear these messages. I confess during some of the past days, I have not been rejoicing in the day nor feeling special. Then wouldn’t you know the Holy Spirit blows across my path and I witness kindness; I read a story of sacrifice; I feel the warmth of compassion.
Today is Special and so are each one of us. At some point today, STOP for a moment and feel the Spirit’s presence. Open yourself to the unconditional love of God for you, for those around you and for the day.
I would also encourage you to not be selfish with those gifts. Share them. Share with those you encounter, the limitless grace and joy of our Creator.