HTLC/HRLC New Email, May 26, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, May 28, is Pentecost Sunday!  The Day of Pentecost celebrates when the Holy Spirit came to the apostles in a rush of wind and tongues of flame, and they began to speak in different languages (spooky!).  It is considered by some to be the birthday of the church and is marked by red paraments, vestments, chasubles, and other churchy terms no one knows the meaning of.  It is traditional for the congregation to wear red on this Sunday as well, so rummage through those clothes closets for crimson crinolines and carmine cummerbunds!  It’s also Lutheran Loose Change Sunday, so rummage through those couch cushions and car cupholders for covert coins!

Time is running out to get your early-bird (early-whale?) discount for the “Oh Jonah” Musical Theater Camp for K-8 children taking place June 19 to 23 here at Holy Trinity.  If you sign up your kids by June 1st, you save $25!  Click here for all the details and to register.

It’s graduation season, and we would like to honor the graduating among us in an upcoming insert.  If you or someone you know is graduating this year, please email the details to me (name, degree/certificate, school name and location) at  Or fill out one of the forms located on the Media Table in the narthex and put it in the Parish Life Coordinator’s box by June 11.  This includes all of those graduating from High School, College, University, Advance Degree, and Certificate Programs.  We do not want to leave anyone out!

We will be having a Father’s Day Barbecue on June 18 in honor of all fatherly-types!  It will be at 11am following the worship service. Please sign up on the clipboard at the Media Table so Hospitality can get a rough idea of attendance for food planning.

The Spaghetti Feed is fast approaching (Saturday, June 24), and there is an abbondanza of ways to become involved!  We’ll be needing food servers, ticket sellers, donators of gift baskets and auction items, dessert makers, set-uppers,  take-downers, and clean-uppers – it takes a villaggio!  Watch for sign-up sheets coming soon to a narthex near you.  

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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