HTLC/HRLC News Email, December 22, 2023

Merry almost-Christmas, Everybody!

Don’t forget, if you signed up to bring poinsettias, please have them at the church by 10 am tomorrow (Saturday) so Carmen can work her magic.  You can retrieve them after the 8 pm service on Sunday (it’s considered bad form to decimate the display before then).  There’s also an extra Choir rehearsal on Saturday at 10 am.

This Sunday, December 24, is both the 4th Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve (and Lutheran Loose Change Sunday – if anyone has any left after shopping).  There are three worship services (no, you can’t take the next two Sundays off if you go to all three!), plus a get-together at Randy and Vicky’s.  Here are the details for each:

Sermon in Song at 10 am Service:
In the morning, It’s still Advent, and the Bell Choir and Choir will be providing the Message with their Sermon in Song “Symbols of Christmas.” Thank you to Michael Keating for providing accompaniment for this service.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the music (where are those reclining pews I’ve been lobbying for?).

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services:
Our Christmas Eve services will be at 4 pm and 8 pm. Both will include the traditional singing of “Silent Night” by candlelight – guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies. The Instrumental Group will be performing at the 4 pm service and the Bell Choir and Choir will perform at the 8 pm service. Thank you to Todd Anderson for providing accompaniment at both services.

Randy & Vicky’s Christmas Eve Bash:
Feeling a bit peckish between the services?  Randy and Vicky Kuhlmann will again be hosting a get-together at their house between the two Christmas Eve services. All are invited. This year’s theme is Christmas in the UK – foods from the British Empire. Directions to their house are available in the narthex.  Bangers and mash all around!

The next day, December 25, is Christmas Day, with absolutely nothing happening at church.  Have a great time with your family, loved ones (not always the same thing), friends, frenemies, perfect strangers, or just by yourself – however you choose to celebrate, I hope it’s great!

Office hours next week will be sporadic at best.  Call first to see if anyone is actually there (besides the answering machine) before you come over.

The following Sunday, December 31, is not only New Year’s Eve, but also the 1st Sunday after Christmas.  Yes, it will still be officially the Christmas season according to the church calendar, and what better way to celebrate than by singing carols to your heart’s content at our10 am Service of Poems and Carols?  After which, you can eat to your heart’s content at our Christmas Brunch in Holland Hall.  Please sign up at the Media Table by this Sunday so Hospitality can have a ballpark figure to prepare for.  (after so much eating that week, I’ll probably have a figure as big as a ballpark!)

Various Groups will be on Hiatus. Sunday School, Confirmation, and Tuesday Bible Study will not be meeting again until the week starting January 14.  Psalms Bible Study will resume on January 7.  No Choir or Instrumental Group rehearsal next week.

The Adopt an Angel totals are in!  Thank you all for making so many foster kids’ Christmas a joyful one.  As a congregation, we donated:
$948 cash to the organization
$670 in gift cards to kids
50 plus items of clothing
5 bikes
3 trikes
3 tablets 
Lots of toys and sports equipment 
A total of over 124 gifts.
We had 90 tags and fulfilled all requests plus extras! Our congregation is super generous!

With that wonderful news, I’ll wish you a happy Advent, and I’ll see you Sunday!  (all day Sunday!)  You may now resume your last-minute Christmas shopping panic.

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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