HTLC/HRLC News Email, December 9, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

This Saturday, December 9 at 10 am, is the first Saturday rehearsal for the Christmas Pageant.  It’s important that the kids are there to find out where they’re supposed to stand, when and where to move and sing, etc.  We wouldn’t want one of the sheep to wander off during the play so that Jesus has to get up out of his cradle to go seek out that one lost sheep!  Next Saturday, December 16, will be the final dress rehearsal.

This Sunday, December 10, is the Second Sunday in Advent and Scrip Sunday.  It’s the last time to order physical scrip cards from Pamela if you want to get them before Christmas.  Remember, give scrip to your family and friends for Christmas, and you’re also giving a gift to HTLC!  Worship is at 10 am, Sunday School and Confirmation will be rehearsing for the Christmas Pageant at 11:15 am, Bell Choir Rehearsal is at 11:30 am, and HTLC Council Meeting is at noon.

Next Sunday, December 17, the kids will be performing their Christmas Pageant during the 10 am worship service.  They work hard on it each year, and Kathleen’s scripts are always entertaining, so don’t miss out!

Sunday, December 24, we will have three – count ’em – THREE worship services!  The 10 am Advent 4 worship service will include the Choir Sermon in Song and special music by the Bell Choir.  That evening there will be two Christmas Eve Services – one at 4 pm and one at 8 pm.  Both will include singing “Silent Night” by candlelight, and the 8 pm service will include the Choir and Bell Choir.  In between the two Christmas Eve services, Randy and Vicky Kuhlmann will host their annual Christmas Eve Bash at their house.  All are invited. This year’s theme is Christmas in the UK – foods from the British Empire (I’m sure haggis, blood sausage, and spotted dick are delicious!). Directions to their house will be available in the narthex.

On the Sunday following Christmas (December 31) the 10 am worship service will be our annual Service of Poems and Carols.  Afterward, all are invited to a Christmas Brunch in Holland Hall (yes, it will still be Christmas – the 7th day of Christmas, in fact). Hospitality will be providing a wide assortment of wondrous brunch-style foods (maybe even seven swans a-swimming in a delicious gravy!).  

It’s not too late to take part in the Reverse Advent Calendar.  You’ll just have to catch up a bit!  It lists things you can collect each day of Advent for those in need – either for our Food Barrel, or for Marielle’s Winter Relief Program.  I’m attaching the calendar once again to this email in case you missed it.  If you have problems with attachments, here is a link you can click:  If you have problems with links, you can copy and paste the address into your browser.  If you have trouble doing that, you can manually type the address into your browser (though Advent might be over before you finish).  If you don’t have a computer, tablet, or smart phone, you can pick up a printed copy at the church Media Table (though how you’re reading this email I’ll never know). 

Don’t forget to sign up to bring poinsettias by December 17 if you want the dedication to appear in the Christmas Eve bulletin.  They can be any size or color you wish.  The sign-up sheet is on the Media Table.  Please deliver the plants to the church Activity Room by 10 am on December 23. Write your name on a provided craft stick and put it in the soil so you can retrieve your plant after the second service on Christmas Eve (switching your craft stick with one in a prettier poinsettia is frowned upon)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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