HTLC/HRLC News Email, February 24, 2023

Hi, Everybody, and a special welcome to Holy Redeemer people for whom this is their first Friday email news blast!  (If it becomes too annoying, you can always reply with “Please remove me from your email list” or the more succinct “Make it stop!”)  Paragraph topics are in bold so you can easily pay attention or ignore them at your will (or peril!).  Most of my attempts at humor are in parentheses to make them ignorable as well.

Let me introduce myself:  My name is Keith Hillesland.  I have the pretentious title of Parish Life Coordinator for Holy Trinity, but you can think of me as just a plain ol’ Church Secretary.  I’m also the Choir Director, so let me take this opportunity to invite all who love to sing to join us at choir rehearsals on Wednesdays at 7 pm (I rarely bite).

This Sunday, February 26, 2023, is the 1st Sunday of Lent.  Our theme this Lent is “Seeking.”  Worship is at 10 am.  Each Sunday of the month we focus on a rotating list of things, and 4th Sundays are Lutheran Loose Change Sunday – bring any loose change you have hanging around, toss it in the container in the narthex, and we will put it to good use.  We will have name tags available every Sunday while we get to know each other, but sadly no nachos as on 1st Sundays (Nacho Name Tag Sunday).  No Sunday School this Sunday due to the Annual Meeting.

Yes, that’s right, this Sunday is our Annual Congregational Meeting!  After the worship service, grab some snacks provided by the Hospitality Committee and come back into the sanctuary by 11:30 am for the meeting (HRLC people – this is your chance to escape! [Or you can stay to observe or nap – just don’t sign in or vote, please,]).  You may also attend by Zoom (details in Sunday’s email)

Wednesday, March 1 at 6:30 pm will be the first of our joint Midweek Lenten Services with Holy Redeemer and Christ the King and held here at Holy Trinity.  These are half-hour meditative services with a series of short dramas called “Even the Least of These” which were written by our own Kathleen Keating.  This Wednesday’s drama is “The Feeding of the Thousands’ Souls” and it is Holy Trinity’s turn to lead and perform.  (Stay for the choir rehearsal afterward!)

Holy Trinity has a very active Prayer Chain and Holy Redeemer folks are welcome to join or request prayers.  We have people who have expressed a willingness to pray when requests are made by someone who feels a special need for God’s care.  If you have a prayer request or would like to receive the requests so you can pray for them, please contact Donna Lee.  She takes the requests for prayers and notifies people by e-mail or telephone.  Briana Holland is Donna’s back-up person.  Thank you for your participation.

Once again, Holy Trinity people, please attend the Annual Meeting – we need your input!  Remember, if you don’t participate, you’re not allowed to complain.  That alone is a reason to attend (plus the food, of course).

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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