HTLC/HRLC News Email, March 22, 2024

Hi, Everybody:

Today is the cut-off date for you to let Kathy Miedema know if you’re interested in group discount tickets to Holy Trinity’s A’s Day at the Ballpark.  The game will likely be the May 25 game against the Astros.  It’s a great opportunity to eat, drink, and socialize with your church buddies! (oh, and watch a baseball game too, you know, if you’re into that…)

Tomorrow, Saturday, March23, come by the church starting at 9 am for our annual spruce-the-place-up-for-Holy-Week Church Workday!  Wear your work clothes and bring any cleaning supplies you favor.  There will be snacks, so it’s another great opportunity to eat, drink, and socialize with your church buddies! (and beautify the church, you know, if you’re into that…).  Also, for those who are reading for the Palm Sunday Drama (palm readers?), there is a rehearsal at 10 am in the Sanctuary.

This Sunday, March 24, is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, and the day we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The Message will be the previously mentioned drama called “Who Are We on Palm Sunday?” featuring various Biblical characters’ thoughts on this event.  It’s also Lutheran Loose Change Sunday.  Sunday School, Confirmation, and Bell Choir are all meeting as usual.  This is also the last Sunday to sign up to bring a plant for the Easter Garden and still have your dedication appear in the Easter bulletin.  Just be sure to bring your plant(s) to the Activity Room before 10 am on the Saturday before Easter, and label them by writing your name on a provided craft stick and sticking it in the pot(s).

For those who have signed up, don’t forget that this Sunday at 5 pm is our annual Seder Meal celebrating Passover.  Bryan MacFarlane has returned as chef and has planned a fancy menu for a sumptuous meal (well worth the $25 suggested donation for each adult).  It’s yet another great opportunity to eat, drink, and socialize with your church buddies! (and recite the “Had Gadya,” you know, if you’re into that [start your breathing exercises now!]).

There will be no Tuesday Bible Study this week or next week.

Maundy Thursday Service will be at 6:30 pm on March 28 at Christ the King Lutheran Church (1301 Mowry Ave, Fremont).  It’s a joint service of the local ELCA churches commemorating the night Jesus celebrated his “Last Supper” Passover meal with his disciples, which we remember each Sunday with communion. (there may be an optional ritual of foot washing, but I really don’t want to know if you’re into that…)

Our Good Friday Service is at 7 pm at Holy Trinity.  It’s a solemn service, so please enter and leave in silence.  For each station of the cross there is a reading, a prayer, Taize music, and Carmen Blair as Mary, the mother of Jesus, speaking her thoughts.  It’s a very moving service. (spoiler alert:  Jesus dies)

Then it’s Easter Sunday! (spoiler alert:  Jesus lives!).  Worship will be at 10 am as usual (but with lots more “Christ is risen indeed”).  After the service (about 11 am), there will be an Easter Breakfast in Holland Hall and an Egg Hunt for the kids at 11:30.  It’s a great opportunity to eat, drink, and… well, you know the drill (as the dental assistant said to me at my third appointment this week. No foolin’!)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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