HTLC/HRLC News Email, October 27/28, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, October 29, is the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost and Reformation Sunday.  Be sure to WEAR RED to celebrate Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses (points for discussion) on the Wittenburg church door* on October 31, 1517.  Mostly, he was complaining about the selling of indulgences (purchasable papal pardons for purgatory), but it sure caused a stir!  Worship is at 10 am, Sunday School/Confirmation at 11:15, Bell Choir at 11:30 am, and Psalms Bible Study at 1 pm.  Busy-ness as usual!

Trunk-or-Treat is only a few days away on Halloween (Reformation Day), Tuesday, October 31, from 6 pm to 8 pm.  If you’re decorating a car or space, please arrive early so that you can be ready by 6 o’clock.  Bring plenty of candy to hand out to the kids as they go from car to car gathering goodies.  If you’ve got kids, dress ’em up and bring ’em!  If you don’t have kids, come anyway for hot dogs, nachos and fellowship (and candy).  Flyers are available at the Media Table.

November 5 is All Saints Sunday, when we remember those who have especially touched our lives but who are no longer with us.  Please put the names of your saints on the clipboard at the Media Table by this Sunday to have your saints listed in the bulletin and on the screen (the neater you write, the better I spell).  If you would like a photo of your saint shown during the service, please email a picture to Carmen Blair at or let her know to use a picture you previously provided by this Sunday.  There will be a time during the service for lighting a candle in memory of your loved ones.

If you would like to Become a Full Member or an Associate Member of Holy Trinity, please contact Pastor Tim in person or email him at  We are planning to welcome new full and associate members during the Nov. 19 worship service!  What’s the difference between full and associate?  Full members can vote on HTLC matters, but will lose their voting rights at any other ELCA church (i.e. Holy Redeemer).  Associate members can’t vote on HTLC matters, but retain voting rights at the church they are a full member of.  So what’s the benefit of becoming an associate member?  You can’t be on the HTLC council!

To help get to know each other we’re putting together an informal Photo Directory to help everyone connect.  Electronic copies will be emailed to HT/HR/TW members.  Printed copies will also be available.  Please send a picture of yourself or your family at home, on vacation, or out in the world to Rene Bierbaum (no nudity).  Take or choose a photo with good resolution that could be expanded to 2-3″ (electronic photos are preferable, but a hard copy could be scanned).  Include as much information as you’re comfortable sharing with our community, up to and including name(s), address, email, and phone number.

Birthday and Anniversary Cards – We have a tradition of acknowledging birthdays and wedding anniversaries within the congregation by sending cards through the mail. If you would like to receive these cards, please sign up on the clipboard in the narthex or email Keith at with your name, address, and month and day of your birthday or anniversary (no year necessary, so you can keep your age a secret; though I wouldn’t have tried to figure it out – that involves math).

See you in church – WEARING RED!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)


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