HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 23, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, September 24, is the 17th Sunday after Pentecost and Lutheran Loose Change Sunday.  There is Worship Helper Training at 9 am for all of you worship-helper-wannabes (communion assistants, lay liturgists, acolytes, readers, and ushers – oh, my!).  Worship is at 10 am and Sunday School/Confirmation at 11:15 am.

Have You Taken the Survey?  This past week we emailed a link to an online survey to gauge whether our community is interested in selling off some of our property for a neighborhood playground.  Whether you’re a member of HTLC or not, your input on this matter is critical!  After the results are compiled, the HTLC council will host a discussion on this topic after church (date TBD). 

The Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly met this past weekend and elected a new bishop, Rev Jeff Johnson ( Thanks to the members of Holy Redeemer and Holy Trinity who attended. For those of you who regret not attending and enjoy YouTube videos, you’re in luck:  
Also note that we’ll be looking for folks willing to represent us at the early June Assembly in Fresno. Please chat with Ann Harren for more information.
     Finally, congratulations and deep thanks to Pastor Tim who was recognized as celebrating his 35 year ordination anniversary this past February!

New Bible Study on the Psalms:“Entering the Psalms” will be a six-week Bible study held on Sundays (time TBD) that invites you to consider how a collection of poetic praises and laments dating from 1400 BC to 500 BC relate to your own life and experiences.  It will be led by Collette Koski who is an ELCA trained catechumenate leader with over 25 years of experience with Bible Study Fellowship (BSF.  Visit for more info).  Sign up on the clipboard on the Media Table with your time preferences so Collette can determine the best time.

Animal Blessing Sunday Next Week!  October 1 is our annual Animal Blessing Sunday. Bring your toy stuffed animals to worship service to receive a blessing during Children’s Time. Then, join us on the patio at noon with your pets for a Blessing of the Live Animals – a short ceremony and blessing for those animal companions who give us so much (like slobber and dead mice!).

It’s only three weeks away!  Oktoberfest is planned for Saturday October 14 from 4 pm to 8 pm this year.  There’s Germanish food, activities, karaoke, and music.  Watch for upcoming details on signing up to help with or to attend this wunderbar event.

The first Instrumental Group Rehearsal will be this Wednesday, September 27, at 6:15 pm in the Sanctuary.  Let’s see if we can get an Oompah Band together before Oktoberfest!

The first Bell Choir Rehearsal will be on Sunday, October 1, at 11:30 am.  If you are interested in joining a bell choir in the future, please contact Dot Westerhoff.

Trunk or Treat:  Creepy cars, cute kids, costumes, and candy!  All on Reformation Day! (Oct. 31 – some people call it Halloween).  Sign-ups and flyers are on the Media Table.

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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