HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 8, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, September 10, is the 15th Sunday after PentecostScrip Sunday, and Rally Day!  All sorts of things are happening as we celebrate the beginning of the education year.  During Children’s Time at the single 10 am service, we will have the Blessing of Backpacks and Briefcases,* so be sure to bring them along, Presentation of Bibles for third graders, and the Installation of our Christian Education Team.  After the service there will be Nachos on the patio before the beginning of Sunday School at about 11:15 am.  The HTLC Council Meeting will be at about noon after Sunday School gets out.

*(great grades and work promotions not guaranteed)

The first Choir rehearsal of the season will be on Wednesday, September 13, at 7 pm.  All who love to sing are invited to come.  Special perk:  you can’t sit any further back in the church than the choir loft!  (Unless you want to join the AV team in the booth – also a possibility.  Let me know!)

Next week, on September 17 at 9 am (yes, before church), there will be an Altar Guild Meeting.  What’s an Altar Guild?  Why, they’re the people who set up communion, change the paraments (fancy name for those decorative fabrics on the altar and pulpit), change out the candles, and clean up the communion ware after service.  They could sure use your help, so please come to the meeting or contact Carmen Blair if this sounds like the type of important-yet-easy job you can do!

The following Sunday, September 24, at 9 am (also before church!)  Carmen Blair is planning to have Worship Assistant Training.  Anyone interested in helping out as an acolyte, communion assistant, lay liturgist, or reader, please come and see how it’s done.  Let’s not keep seeing the same old faces up there!  (I mean, not “old” old – um, familiar?  Yeah, let’s go with familiar.)  

Bell Choir rehearsals will begin on Sunday, September 24, at 11:30 am in the sanctuary. While we have enough ringers for now, if you are interested in joining the bell choir in the future or learning how to play, please contact Dot Westerhoff.  

I’m trying to gauge the amount of interest in having an Instrumental Group again.  So far, I’ve had only one response, but it included a Blues Brothers reference, so you just know we’d be the coolest group on campus! (“We’re getting the band back together and we’re on a mission from God” – Thanks, Kathleen!)  Please contact me at if you’re at all interested.  Age and ability are not important.  You don’t even have to be cool.  Being in the Instrumental Group will automatically make you cool! 

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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