HTLC News Email, April 15, 2022

HTLC News Email, April 15, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

It’s Good Friday, so get your dose of gloom at tonight’s Good Friday Worship Service at 7 pm here at Holy Trinity or livestreamed on YouTube here:  It’s an evocative Tenebrae-style service with darkness, candle snuffing, dramatic readings, heart-wrenching music, and silence.  There is no bulletin for this service.  It’s the night we mark Jesus’ death on the cross, and the solemnity sets you up for the joy that comes on…

Easter Sunday!  Yes, Jesus rises again, and we get to celebrate!  Worship Service is at 10 am, Easter Breakfast is after the service at about 11 am (today is the last day to sign up!  Email me or sign up on the clipboard tonight) and an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids at 11:30 am.  Hope to see you all there!

Those who are bringing plants for the Easter Garden, please have them here before 10 am tomorrow (Saturday) so Carmen can do her fabulous arranging.  Even if you didn’t sign up, you can still bring plants – the more, the joyful-er!  Popsicle sticks (unused) are provided for you to write your name on and stick in the pots, so you can be sure which is yours when you take them home (after the service, of course!).

Solemn Good Friday and Happy Easter, everybody!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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