HTLC News Email, December 13, 2019

Hi, Everybody:

Thanks to all who helped with or came to Family Advent Night and the Hanging of the Greens.  Fun was had by all, and the church looks beautiful!  (and I got a bunch of leftover candy from the gingerbread house builders!)

This Sunday, December 15, is the Third Sunday of Advent and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  It’s also the Sunday for the annual Sunday School Christmas Play.  Join us between the services (at about 10 am) for a performance filled with Christmas spirit, cuteness (we do have the cutest kids, after all), and laughs (if I know Kathleen’s writing style).  Don’t miss it!  And don’t miss the last Play Rehearsal tomorrow (Saturday Dec. 14) at 9 am, all you parents with young thespians (we don’t want too many unintentional laughs!).  It will also be the last Sunday to sign up to bring poinsettias for Christmas Eve – any color you like, just have them here by 10 am Christmas Eve (if you miss the sign-up, you can still bring poinsettias – you’ll just miss out on the prestige of your dedication being listed in the bulletin).

Next Sunday, December 22, the choir takes over the Message slot in both services with their annual Sermon-in-Song: a short program of Christmas anthems, usually on a theme (yes, the theme is now set – and I’ve practically picked all the songs!).  It will also be the last Luther Loose Change Sunday of the year, so check your pockets, the couch cushions, and under the Lay-Z-Boy (the chair, not your surly teenage kid).  You never know – yours could be the coin that puts us in the black for 2019!  Speaking of which…

A Message from the Council President:  HTLC family, thank you for your financial support of HTLC over this calendar year.  We have had some recent increases in giving, but we request that you consider a year end donation to the church to help bring us to a year end balanced budget.  In addition to writing a check or putting cash in an envelope, you can use the mobile app Give Plus to donate directly from your smartphone.  As we move into the new year, please re-evaluate your regular giving to support the amazing staff and ministries we are blessed with.  Maintaining the day to day operations of our facilities requires consistent funding all year round.  We greatly appreciate everyone’s support and giving of time, talent and resources.  Holiday Blessings, Marta Wicke, HTLC Council President. 

(No, I didn’t sneak in that part about the amazing staff – how dare you suggest such a thing!)

ELCA World Hunger materials are still available at the Advent Table in the Narthex, now with cute ornaments for you to take home!  There are also devotion booklets, colorable banks, and Advent calendars (sadly, without chocolate – I already checked all the doors).

Christmas Eve Services will be at 5 pm and 9 pm again this year with the requisite candle lighting during “Silent Night,” Christmas carols, special music, and warm, fuzzy feeling.  Once again, Randy and Vicky Kuhlmann will have an Inter-Service Nosh at their house between the services (as the name I gave it implies).  The food theme this year is Mardi Gras.  How you get your beads is up to you.

The Sunday after Christmas, December 29, we will be having a single service at 10 am where we will sing any carols we missed on Christmas Eve.  I’ve heard rumors of food afterward – stay tuned!

Stuff that’s not happening:  no Tuesday Bible Study or Adult Forum for the rest of the year, and no Sunday School on December 15 (Christmas Play) and December 29 (single service).

See you in church!


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