HTLC News Email, December 20, 2019

Hi, Everybody:

The reviews are in, and the Sunday School Christmas Play was a big hit!  Thanks to Kathleen, Michael, parents, kids, and all who helped to make it a rousing success!

This Sunday, December 22, is the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Sermon-in-Song Sunday.  Yes, it’s the annual event when the choir will be kicking Pastor Tim out of the pulpit in favor of a program of Christmas songs, which may turn out to be even longer than one of his sermons!  It’s also 2019’s last Luther Loose Change Sunday, so be sure to check the cracks and crevices of your house for coins that have accumulated over the past year (you can tell how often I clean house!) and bring ’em in to help fill the cracks and crevices of our 2019 budget. 

Christmas Eve Services will be at 5 pm and 9 pm on Tuesday, December 24 (of course).  There will be candle lighting, familiar carols, and special music at both services, plus choir at the 9 pm service.  Between the services, Randy and Vicky Kuhlmann will have their 18th annual Inter-Service Nosh at their house.  All are invited (but you will have to rub shoulders with church musicians – there’s always a catch!).  Directions will be available at the Media Table.  The food theme is “Mardi Gras,” so “Laissez les bon temps rouler!” (that’s Cajun French for “Hurry, finish that beignet – it’s time to get back for the second service!”)

Those of you who have signed up to bring Poinsettias for Christmas Eve (and those who haven’t but would still like to bring some), please remember to have them here by 10 am December 24, so Carmen can work her magic in placing them.  They can be any color or size you like, just be sure to put your name on them so you can take them home any time after the 9 pm Christmas Eve service (taking them home earlier will incur the wrath of Carmen).

The Sunday after Christmas, December 29, we will be having a Single Service at 10 am packed with Christmas carols. After the service, there will be a Christmas Brunch at 11 am in Holland Hall to restore your energy after all that singing.  We will return to our regular two-service schedule on Sunday, January 5.

Stuff that’s not happening:  no Tuesday Bible Study or Adult Forum for the rest of the year, and no Sunday School on December 29 (single service).

See you in church!


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