HTLC News Email, February 11, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, February 13, is the 6th Sunday after Epiphany and Scrip Sunday.  Of course, it’s also Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday!  On Super Bowl Sunday each year we join other groups across the nation in collecting donations of food and funds for local food charities.  We have raised $10,900 dollars and collected 1,400 non-perishable food items since we started in 2006.  So wear your favorite sports team clothes, bring some non-perishables or bucks, and stay after the service for nachos before you rush home to watch the halftime show and commercials!  (What? There’s a football game, too?  What will they think of next!)

The Jesus and Justice Collective’s next event will be next Sunday, February 20th from 2-3:30 pm via Zoom with Pastor and Author Dominique DuBois Gilliard.  He is the Director of Racial Righteousness and Reconciliation for the Evangelical Covenant Church and author of the book Subversive Witness: Scripture’s Call to Leverage Privilege.  Please view the FLYER for more information and to register (includes a link to order his book if you’d like). Please write your church affiliation under “Organization.”  Invite friends and family to join this frank and timely conversation to be encouraged, challenged, and moved toward action!

Don’t forget to let us know your top three core values.  Email them to Pastor Tim or me, or fill out a form at church and put it in one of our boxes or the offering tray.  It’s for the Sierra Pacific Synod’s Acts for Vitality program in which our church is participating.  Please get them to us by the 20th of February, and thanks for your participation.  (a joke:  What did the banana say to the apple? … “I’m tired of hearing about your core values!”)*

The Annual Meeting is only two weeks away!  It’s on February 27 at noon via Zoom.  I’ll send the Zoom information later in a separate email so you’re less likely to lose it (or is that just me?).

Stuff available in the narthex:  

  • 2021 Giving Statements (pick them up before we spend a stamp on you)
  • Adopt an Angel tax receipts (who knew angels were deductible?)
  • Leftover Christmas ornaments (give them next Christmas to relatives you don’t want to spend money on!)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

*You know – because bananas don’t have cores.  Plus, talking apples are inherently annoying.)

Epiphany 6 – Scrip Sunday / Souper Bowl of Caring
Zoom Sunday School – 9 am
Zoom Coffee Chat – 9:15 am
Zoom Communion – 9:30 am
Indoor Worship – 10 am
Video of live service will be posted later

10 am
Altar:  Carmen Blair, Terri MacFarlane
Lay Liturgist:  Carmen Blair
Lector:  Sally Bentley

Feb 27:   
Bold Women’s Sunday
Transfiguration Sunday
Annual Meeting – 12 pm
Mar 02: 
Ash Wednesday Service – 7 pm

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