HTLC News Email, February 19, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, February 21, is the 1st Sunday in Lent (Happy Lent! – or should that be solemn Lent?) and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  No Confirmation Class, but Coffee Chat, Communion, and Sunday School are all as usual.  And, of course, the Virtual Annual Congregational Meeting is at noon this Sunday (if you say, “What Annual Meeting?” I will give you such a virtual pinch!).  I will send everything you need to know about the Annual Meeting (but were afraid to ask) in a future email blast.  Please plan on virtually attending by Zoom (either by logging on or calling in) so we can have a virtual quorum and you can have your virtual say.

I hope you were able to enjoy our live-by-Zoom Ash Wednesday service.  Thanks to all who worked so hard to make it happen (I learned the difficulty of writing a cross on my own forehead looking at my non-mirrored image on a computer screen).  The fun (solemnity?) doesn’t stop there.  We will be having Midweek Lenten Services live by Zoom at 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday during Lent except for Holy Week.  The four local ELCA churches are taking turns hosting, performing short dramatic readings, and providing music.  You’ll get the chance to sing along with some of our virtual singing heads – worth the price of admission alone! (the price is $0).

If you have a birthday in February and are wondering, “How come I ain’t gotten a card from Holy Trinity? (and what has happened to my grammar?)”  Sorry, but due to Pastor Tim having to quarantine, he hasn’t been able to come by church to pick up the cards and sign them.  Don’t worry, we still love you.  You’ll get them eventually.  Please be patient.

Stay safe and, if at all possible, sane!

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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