HTLC News Email, January 15, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, January 17, is the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  Zoom Coffee Chat and Communion will be as usual (9:15 and 9:45 a.m. – same Zoom details) as well as Sunday School at 10 a.m. (to be included in Sunday School info emails, please contact Marta).  Confirmation Class will resume this Sunday (Pastor Tim will email details to those eager students).  No Adult Forum this week, alas.

Here once again (in case you deleted last week’s email – and how dare you!) is Treasurer Terri’s message for you about your Giving Statements:
Hello Giving Family of HTLC:
Your giving statements for 2020 will be available by Sunday, January 10.  Because we are still not gathering together, I can provide the following options for distribution to you:

  • in person (social distancing of course) – Sunday mornings between 8:30-11:00am and by appointment during week between 10-2pm
  • Email (I will scan, and shred after sending) – please contact me or Keith via email with your name and preferred email address (if different from directory)
  • Regular mail (tried and true) – please let me or Keith know if you’d like a hard copy mailed to you.  Please include your address if it has changed from directory

We ended 2020 on a positive note, thank you all for your generosity!!
– Terri 

Not much else happening here in the ides of January (actually, the ides were on the 13th. If you want to read Ken Jennings’ explanation of it all, click here).  Here are some upcoming events for you to look forward to:

Jan. 31 – RIC Sunday
Feb. 7 – Souper Bowl of Caring (COVID permitting)
Feb. 17 – Ash Wednesday
Feb. 21 – Annual Congregational Meeting

Happy seventeenth day before the kalends of February!
– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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