HTLC News Email, January 27, 2023

Hi, Everybody:

First, the sad news.  Beloved Holy Trinity member Cheryl Hall passed away in her sleep on Sunday night/Monday morning.  Today would have been her 72nd birthday.  May Cheryl’s family and all who mourn for her be comforted by God’s presence, peace, and promise of resurrection to life everlasting.  Information regarding Cheryl’s Celebration of Life will be forthcoming.

Lots of special events are coming up.  Here they are in chronological order:

This Sunday, January 29, is the 4th Sunday after Epiphany and RIC Sunday.  Reconciling in Christ Sunday is when many churches, including Holy Trinity, celebrate their intentional welcome of the LGBTQIA+ community.  Feel free to wear rainbows and bring colorful treats!  (It doesn’t seem like RIC Sunday unless your mouth is garishly stained with food coloring!)  Worship Service will be at 10 am and Sunday School/Confirmation at 11:15 am.

February 5 is the first Sunday of the month, and Holy Redeemer folks will be here for our Worship Service and Sunday School.  Normally it would be Nacho Name Tag Sunday, but nachos have been moved to February 12 for the Souper Bowl potluck.  So, it’s just Name Tag Sunday.  (You’ll be willing to wear name tags without the reward of nachos, won’t you?)

February 12 is the Souper Bowl of Caring.  This is a national annual effort (that coincides with some sort of football game) to collect food and money for local food pantries.  We will be collecting non-perishable food items, and people will be at the doors holding soup pots to gather monetary donations.  After worship service, we will have a Soup Potluck in Holland Hall.  Hospitality will be providing beverages, bowls, and rolls (and the previously mentioned nachos).  There is a sign-up sheet at the Media Table for if you plan to attend and if you are bringing a soup (or chili, stew, or other ladle-able item).  But don’t bring too much, or you might need to bring halfback!

February 19, Transfiguration Sunday, Holy Trinity will temporarily shut its doors and head on over to worship with Holy Redeemer at their Newark campus.  This will be their last Sunday there for a while as they will be worshiping with us at least through Lent as they discern their future as a church.  We’re also invited to stay for their annual Mardi Gras celebration following the service!  (Will there be beignets? Je ne sais pas!)

February 22 is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent.  We will be having a fairly solemn evening service at 7 pm which includes the imposition of ashes (getting your forehead marked with a cross-shaped ash smudge) as a reminder of our mortality.  As one of my favorite church signs says, “Lent is coming.  Get your ash in church!”

February 26 is HTLC’s Annual Congregational Meeting at 11 am after the 10 am service.  This year, we will be attempting a hybrid meeting (in-person and Zoom) to be held in the sanctuary so we can use the cameras.  We will need a quorum of members, so please plan on staying (don’t make us barricade the doors).

Become a full member of Holy Trinity!  We would like to have a Welcome New Members Sunday coming up to acknowledge those who are joining and those who have recently joined.  If you’d like to become a member and be able to vote at the Annual Meeting or become a Councilmember (or just for the bragging rights), please talk to Pastor Tim.  Make it official!

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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