HTLC News Email – January 8, 2021

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, January 10, is the 1st Sunday after EpiphanyScrip Sunday, and the Sunday we commemorate the Baptism of Our Lord at the Jordan river by John the Baptist (now there’s a fortuitous last name!).  There’ll be a chance to commemorate your own baptism during the pre-recorded service, so be sure to have a bowl of water nearby (maybe not too close to your electronic device!).  It’s considered a “feast day,” with white being the official color – which is why the Christmas paraments remain in place (I just didn’t want you to think we neglected to take them down, like your neighbor’s Christmas lights).  No Adult Forum this Sunday, but Coffee Chat and Communion will take place as usual by Zoom.

Some good news – and couldn’t we all use some:  you guys really came through in December, and we ended the year in the black, according to our illustrious Treasurer, Terri.  Speaking of whom, she has a message for you about your Giving Statements:

Hello Giving Family of HTLC: Your giving statements for 2020 will be available by Sunday, January 10.  Because we are still not gathering together, I can provide the following options for distribution to you:

  • in person (social distancing of course) – Sunday mornings between 8:30-11:00am and by appointment during week between 10-2pm
  • Email (I will scan, and shred after sending) – please contact me or Keith via email with your name and preferred email address (if different from directory)
  • Regular mail (tried and true) – please let me or Keith know if you’d like a hard copy mailed to you.  Please include your address if it has changed from directory

We ended 2020 on a positive note, thank you all for your generosity!! – Terri

Only 44 days until the virtual Annual Congregational Meeting (do the Reverse Annual Meeting Calendar – each day you can think up a constitutional question for John, a budget question for Terri, or nominate someone for Council!).  It’s on February 21st at noon and will be done via Zoom.  It’ll be your chance to vote with no electoral college!

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

P.S. – Here’s a fun feast day suggestion:  start a Baptism of Our Lord tradition this Sunday and take a communal bubble bath with your “social bubble”!

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