HTLC News Email, July 22, 2022 (and beyond)

Hi, Everybody:

I’ve got some good news (well, good for ME, anyway):  I’m going on vacation!  What this means for you is that the church office will be closed until August 15.  Pastor Tim will be here some days (usually Mondays and Wednesdays), and some of the other usual suspects may be hanging around, but please call the office first to see if someone is there to help you before coming down.  It also means you may not be getting the Friday email blasts, so this one will have to last you awhile…

This Sunday, July 24, is the 7th Sunday after Pentecost (next week is the 8th, the one after that is the 9th – you get the idea) and it’s Lutheran Loose Change Sunday (Aug 7 is Nacho Name Tag, Aug 14 is Scrip).  The Worship Services will be in-person and livestreaming at 10 am for the foreseeable future.

The next Church Council Meeting will be August 14 at 11:30 am.  Contact Marta Wicke ( if you’d like to attend.

(Warning: the following paragraph from Kathleen refers to Christmas five months ahead of time.  The squeamish may want to skip ahead)
This year’s Christmas Pageant is intended to be joint with Christ the King & Holy Redeemer. The goal is to be in person, with performances at HTLC & HR, but will become a virtual production if COVID is too much of a concern. Schedule is yet TBD, but Kathleen is looking to see who is interested in performing, and who might be willing to volunteer as stage parents. Please contact her at if you or your children are interested (or she will start voluntelling the audience! 😋).
(That’s Kathleen’s threat and emoji, not mine!)

Thank you to all who helped out with last week’s wonderful Spaghetti Feed.  Hard-working Hospitality, cashiers, food servers, setter-uppers, cleaner-uppers, rafflers, kid-watchers, decorators, beverage servers,  prize donors, and attendees – all worked together to make sure everyone had a fun and tasty time helping out both HTLC and Abode Services.  Great job, everyone!

See you this Sunday! (and then, not so much for a while)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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