HTLC News Email, June 10, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

Vacation Bible School is TOMORROW!  This year, VBS is a one-day affair on Saturday, June 11 from 9 am to 3 pm.  “HayDay – Growing in Friendship with Jesus.” is the farm-based theme.  It’s for children ages 4 to 14.  Lunch will be provided.  If you’re interested in joining VBS, I’m sure Marta Wicke ( can FIELD your questions.  (Hay! that corny joke was the last straw!)

This Sunday, June 12, is VBS Sunday.  During the Message time at the 10 am Worship Service, we’ll be hearing about the shenanigans the kids and adults get up to tomorrow.  After the service, we’ll celebrate VBS on the patio with food and fun, so stick around!  This Sunday is also Trinity Sunday, when we celebrate the great mystery of the 3-in-1 nature of our God, and Scrip Sunday, when we celebrate the lesser mystery of our fundraising scrip program!  There will be a Church Council Meeting at noon.  Contact Marta if you’d like to attend and witness the baffling mystery of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Next Sunday, June 19, we will be having a Father’s Day Barbecue in honor of all fatherly-types!  It will be at 11 am following the worship service. Please sign up on the clipboard at the Media Table so Hospitality can know how many to expect.  (Dad joke: “What did Baby Corn say to Mama Corn?” “Where’s Pop Corn?”)

Don’t forget to fill out a form if you or someone in your family is graduating (it’s the last Sunday to get those in), so we can honor them in our prestigious insert!  The green forms are located on the Media Table in the narthex.  Just put ’em in my box.  You can also email the details to me at (as long as I get it by Wednesday).

Favorite Hymn Sundays are coming up.  Forms will be available starting this Sunday for you to suggest one or two of your favorite hymns or Praise Band songs, and we’ll do our best to use them later this summer.  Maybe we’ll finally get to sing that kickin’ tune, “Come, Ye Disconsolate!”

In-person Spaghetti Feed is back!
When: Saturday, July 16th
Where: HTLC
Time: 4 pm – 7:30 pm (food service begins at 4:30 pm)
Who: Everyone interested in having fun (and eating!)
Planning will include some changes to the event to allow for seating options that all are comfortable with, and a bit of downsizing to the raffle/auction (many of our previous supporting businesses are still working hard to get themselves up and going).  But the HTLC Spaghetti Feed will feature LOTS of our past favorite activities such as the raffle, silent auction, beer & wine, delicious food, activities for children, and unlimited fun.  Please be sure to support the event by attending and/or contributing gift cards via Scrip and custom gift baskets for the silent auction.  

Alameda County reimposed a mask requirement in most indoor settings.  You are still encouraged to wear masks at our services, stay home if sick or positive, and test if symptomatic or exposed.  We continue to have hand sanitizer and masks on hand as well as excellent ventilation at our services).  Remember:  “Pray it, don’t spray it!”

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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