HTLC News Email, March 25, 2022

HTLC News Email, March 25, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, March 27, 2022, is the 4th Sunday in Lent and Lutheran Loose Change Sunday.  The schedule is pretty much as usual (see the end of the email).  This will be the last Sunday for Zoom Communion (unless things get worse again).  Those who have been coming to Zoom Communion are invited to commune with the rest of us during the livestream service.  But the real news for this Sunday is…

The Sunday School Cookie Sale!  After church this week, please plan on joining the Sunday School for home-baked cookies in the courtyard.  The kids are learning about helping others and are hoping to raise money for ELCA good gifts (  A dollar donation per cookie is appreciated (remember, cookies purchased for charity contain no carbs! – I think it’s one of the Ten Commandments [or maybe I need to go back to Sunday School!]). See you there!

To keep up with the constantly shifting pandemic protocols, we have a new COVID-19 Comfort Level Survey.  Please click this link to fill it out:  It will help us assess the general comfort level of the congregation when it comes to safety protocols and in-person worship.  There is also a printed version available on the Usher’s Table for those who are computer-averse.  Please respond so we can plan services with an appropriate balance of safety and communal fellowship.

The Easter Garden Sign-ups are back!  Sign up at the Media Table to bring a plant in honor or in memory of someone for the sanctuary display.  Please print legibly to help ensure correct spelling in the bulletin (or, better yet, email me the names so I can copy and paste your misspelling and blame it on you!)  Just purchase the plants – any size or color is welcome, and make sure it’s at the church by 10 am on Saturday, April 16.  You will be able to pick up your plants after the services on Easter.

If you read last Sunday’s email, you will already know that beloved HTLC charter member Bernie Teague passed away last Friday.  Since then, we’ve had many requests for Muriel’s address, so here it is: 11106 W. 122nd Street, Overland Park, KS 66213.  We hope the outpouring of love will be a comfort to her.

At the last Council Meeting, they voted on who would be President and Vice President, so here is your Church Council for 2022 (it oughta look pretty darn familiar), and thanks to all of them for their willingness to serve!

Executive Committee:
· President – Arnold Kuhlmann
· Vice President – Bethany Stevenin
· Financial Secretary – Erik Holland
· Treasurer – Terri MacFarlane
· Recording Secretary – Marta Wicke

Rene Bierbaum
Margie Cameron
Ann Harren
Roy Heaivilin
Rachel Huff
Randy Kuhlmann
Kathy Miedema

I will let you know the list of committee liaison assignments as soon as it’s finalized.  The next Council Meeting will be on April 3.

Our half-hour Tri-City ELCA Midweek Lenten Services continue this Wednesday at 6:30 pm here at Holy Trinity.  This week, Christ the King is presenting “The Prodigal Son—There’s forgiveness for our prodigal ways.”  This week’s questions to ponder:  What does it feel like to be forgiven?  What does it feel like to forgive?  Please join us.  In fact, if you like to sing, please join us afterward for choir rehearsal at 7 pm!  We will start off practicing with members from the other churches for an anthem to be sung at the April 14 joint Maundy Thursday Service at 7 pm at Christ the King.  Now’s the perfect time to join choir – you can always claim to be from one of the other churches if you hit a wrong note!  (Plus, with masks on, nobody knows if you’re even really singing!)

Good Friday, we will be having our own Tenebrae-style service at Holy Trinity at 7 pm.  It’s a solemn, shadowy service with Taizé music and candle extinguishing.  Very dramatic, setting off the joy of Easter even more.  Don’t miss it!  (more about Easter Sunday as we get closer and I get a clue)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Fremont CA

Lent 4 – Lutheran Loose Change
Zoom Coffee Chat – 9:15 am
Zoom Communion – 9:30 am
In-person & Livestreaming Worship – 10 am
Sunday School Cookie Sale  – 11 am

10 am
Altar:  Carmen Blair, Terri MacFarlane
Lay Liturgist:  Art Kuhlmann
Lector:  you?

Office Hours:  Mon – Fri, 10 am – 2 pm
Midweek Lent Service:  Wed, 6:30 pm
Choir Rehearsal:  Wed, 7 pm

Mar 30:     Midweek Lent Service – 6:30 pm
Apr 6:        Midweek Lent Service – 6:30 pm
Apr 10:      Palm Sunday
Apr 14:      Maundy Thurs.  – 7 pm at CTK
Apr 15:      Good Friday – 7 pm at HTLC
Apr 16:      Easter Pageant – TBD at HRLC
Apr 17:      Easter Sunday!

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